Alright... "Because I'm feelin' kinda Sunday... Sunday... Feelin' kinda Sunday... Sunday..." Come on everyone sing along!
Awe yea... just a great tune... So... has anything changed? Nope... Does this mean we won't be able get random? Awe hell no. We's still gots some stuff... So let's get to it.
RANTS N' RAVES - Yea man... we gotta give some props to our main man Chrsitorpher Rants. His blog has provided some keen insight and helped connect the stories together from an insider prospective. And not to get all corny on you... but anyone else think his updates are like those letters you read from the Civil War? You know... like that's how you got reports from the front line? I think so anyway... good job out of him.
TWITTER ME THIS - So yea... I am going to say it... a good byproduct of this Weekend Long Temper Tandrum will be that GOP activists will get to know the coolness and cool ways to utilize Twitter. For real... it takes a little time to figure it out... then when you do... its pretty cool. If you are just a news junkie in general... you'll love Twitter. You can follow you favorite reporters, sports teams... even Darth Vader! (he's @darthvader)... so yea... out of a stupid stupid weekend, gives you good stuff.
SPEAKING OF THIS STUPID THING - So here's a quick wrap from last night... of course this is recovered from accounts from the millions of sources at the disposal of the World's Crappiest Blog... enjoy:
"Dude... you got a spitter?" "Nah man... all I gots is this cup." "Cool, that'll work." Now this isn't an official transcript... but you might guess this was a paraphrased discussion from some dorm floor... um nope, so around 11:37pm last night the "substitute speaker" was getting his chew on... no worries... he had a spitter... so its all good. You know... because aren't state buildings supposed to tobacco free? Don't get any on that new carpet... oh here we go again...
Machine Shuts Down a 2nd Time - I thought the crap in Palm Beach County was Crazy... yea.. the voting machine shut down AGAIN about 5 hours ago. Come Mr. Speaker... 1 time is cool... but twice?
Traditional Media... so if you caught the news last night... they did alright... there's no outrage... why would we think there would be? Anyhoop, checking out the DM Register... and was happy to find that this story is in the Metro section... second page! and not on the front page... Yea... wouldn't want it on the front... because... nothing else is going on... the Meatheads ae in town... but nope nothing else... it was like they were waiting for Shawn Johnson to sneeze... but she didn't, so there wasn't much else to put on the front page... sigh...
College Republicans Rule! So the ISU CRs delivered more goods... man... good job out of you kids.
So there you have it... that's all that's up now.
MY MAN MITCH - Oh hell yea... one of my favorite Governors, Mitch Daniels, was on Face the Nation this morning. Dudes... if you only knew of the things he's doing in Indiana... man... Iowa GOP Gov Candidates, please take careful notes on this guy. Not only is he a true reformer... he's a Governor that makes his state proud... just ask any Hoosier... you'll prolly get a decent review out of them... go to mymanmitch.com for all of the stuff he's up to...
We ain't done yet... stay tuned.