So yea... it took until Wednesday for something to burst a friggin' blood vessel... yea... we know that we were cranking up the tunes... and gettin' a little party hardy Marty yesterday... but shitty weather (or the lies and lack there of) must have some effect on the fuses here at good ole QCI HQ...
So, today's DIR comes by the way of the undisputed heavy weight champion of the blogs... the king poobah of the rightosphere... our main mofo... Krusty Konservative.
Side note... how much has Hershel been on his friggin game... damn man... you're rolling like Jordan in NBA Finals... you know... the one when he just drained like 2,021 three pointers in a single game... crazy ERR krazy good.
Anyways... there's like a ton of issues he's yaking about... then it hits... you're just chillin at a bar... hanging out... trading war stories... then all of a sudden... WHAM... some d bag takes a cheap shot at one of your buddies at the bar... out of freaking no where... You don't think twice... you grab a chair, a table... a portable air conditioner... screw it... what ever it takes... that's right, this dumb bastard is the GAS TAX and that bastard must be destoyed! DAMN IT!
Nothing wants makes us want to break something when someone says... "Well, a gas tax is a truely fair way solve the issue." DAMN IT! Then you got some "would be Republican allies" who can't enough of the gas tax. They're like those meth heads who attend Denver Bronco home games... they need their fix of crystal meth... the gas tax. DAMN IT!
Then if that doesn't want you to take a baseball bat to your very collectable limited edition Royals Hall of Fame Bobblehead collection... (no worries... have doubles of everything just in case of these emergencies) you got Republicans... Republicans for this. DAAAAAAAAAMN IT!
Alright kids... gas tax is the only way to solve it... raising taxes is the only way to solve it... it's the fairest thing to do... DAMN IT! Now... we always say this up front... we're not, repeat NOT the sharpest tools in the shed... ah hell no we're not... BUT we are more of a... "Get R Done" type of a bunch, yeah... you know... work the problem... figure it out... We said it before and we'll say it again... If we can park a golf cart on Mars... we can do anything.
Listen, we know you guys up in at the Capitol aren't rocket scientists at NASA... No one is really that smart... you know, except NASA Rocket scientists... but you are a somewhat smart bunch... hell, you got enough people drinking the Kool Aid to even think this is a perfect solution... raise taxes... DAMN IT! Get creative... remember... aren't we the party of BOLD ideas? Come on doggs... think about... your average Joe six packs out there are learning how to cut costs... I'm sure personally you are cutting back... figure it out... work the problem. For real... some crazy bastard is making millions now for selling blankets with sleeves! Start thinking snuggies... yea... snuggies man.... muh fuggin snuggies... DAMN IT!!!!
So yea... say no to the gas tax... and also... a quick subject change... for my personal mental heath STOP... I mean STOP trying to compare mediocre players to George Brett on Facebook... Damn IT! Or the dudes over QCI HQ are gonna go July 24, 1983 on your ass...