Wow... that titel sounds a little dirtier than we wanted... aw hell... what are gonna do, kick us off the interwebs... anyways... a little quick stuff before the current majority destroys business in Iowa as we know it.
GRRRRRRR... Almost worth another DIR this week... the Meatheads... the frigging Meatheads are on the loose... made me late a bunch of times and late for a cool event... urgggggggh!
PURSIN' IT UP So yea... was totally late for majority of the festivities for Purse Palooza last night... but You could tell they had a good event... ladies were fired up... tried to talk Sandy Greiner into running for something... anything... all she said was, "Do you need a drink?" Ha! So yea... I think we need to start the drum beat... RUN SANDY RUN! So yea... nice joint... great ladies... great party. Although I tried to get Milwaukee's Best Light on the bar menu for the next one... not hold my breath... KEP UP THE GREAT WORK GALS!
ERIK HELLAND IS OUR HOMEBOY So yea... new feature that you'll see from time to time on the Countdown... "Who's Yo Homeboy?" Well this week... Erik Helland is our homeboy... you knew he had it in him to make it happen... I mean, not only is he a QCI-der Fan Favorite... we predicted great things from him way back... um... uhmember this?

This is the Quote of the Day about Helland:
"This is just a Republican who wants to raise heck."
First of all... if your gonna say it... say it... heck? Come on man... what the hell do you think this is Scooby freaking Doo? The Union Guy sounds like the friggin guy that who gets his mask pulled off by Scrappy Doo... "We would have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for you snooping kids!" Yea... because that's how our crew rolls... like driving a District 69 Dream Machine... busting down knowledge and cleaning up government.
So yea... Erik Helland is our Homeboy... more stuff to come, stay tuned.