HOLY CRAP! Wow… just wow QCI-ders. Has it been a roller coaster last week? Nah… hell no… roller coasters ain’t got nuthin’ on last week. More like a jet fueled train wreck… like in Looney Tunes… except sadly… it’s all in real life. Now… we started up the Damn Its last week… but if you were a cable news network looking to create a cutesy slogan and graphic to display while covering all of this… our design department at QCI HQ came up with this…
THE LBC GROWS – In case you missed it… Check out some of the new peeps in the LBC. Notably… Rants n Raves… our buddy Scott Stanzel… and more to come… We’re trying to figure out more with these RSS feeds… which unfortunately the QCI Tech Department can let you down worse than yesterday’s Daytona 500 finish… sigh…
Oh… and we’re posting the cool event alerts just in case you missed it… yup… we are totally mailing this one in today for the Countdown…
THE BEAN WALKER – QCI-ders… you are NOT going to want to miss this event. Monday, March 2… 6-8:00pm… Dos Rios… Downtown Des Moines… the launch of a website that will be a part of you daily reads. Make sure you RSVP to this link. It’s free, gonna be a ton of fun… and you can buy me a beer when you are there! How freaking cool is that!!! Do they serve Milwaukee’s Best Light? Serious dudes… this is going to be a great site you better be there.
SPEAKING OF COOL EVENT ALERTS – Have you all heard about PURSE? It’s this new organization formed to recruit, educate and mentor, and elect Republican women. They are having PURSE Palooza on next Thursday, February 19 from 5-7pm out at Sticks in West Glen. You gonna go? If so... you should RSVP by clicking here. Yes… and these gals are that cool… I’m going to make a trip to West Des Moines. “(GASP) G$... you will start to burn!” I know… I know… they have CostCo out there… so I’ll load up on sunscreen… I will be OK. So yea… you better be at this one too. Maybe I should live blog these cool events… hmmm….