Yea... 3 DIRs already this week. I wonder if I'm in some sort of mood... the fuse is a little short or is it really... the lack of leadership in the Golden Dome... So... I'm in my evening routine... just killed a few chapters of an awesome book... and the news is about to come on... time to make popcorn... stove style... oh yea... the simple pleasures... bust out a chocolate milk... peace... a nice little evening...
Then... it happens...
Electoral College? Electoral College... The dumb ass Electoral College? You must be shitting me... Electoral freaking College!?!?!?! This is the hot f'ing news item of the day? This is what they are working on? DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN IT!
I thought I was going to blow a gasket. Then of course we get a stupid ass lesson on the Electoral College... they do this shit everytime its brought up... you know... because there are clowns who have no clue what it is. You know what? If you are going to waste time and debate if we are going to participate in this... (which good luck with that morons)... let's add this to the bill. If you do not know what the Electoral College is... ZAP! You don't get to vote anymore... that's right Chachi... no more. Take that and stick it up your same day registration. "Um, sir... what's the Electoral College?" "I dunno know man..." BAM! Sledgehammer to the head... "I'll take that voter registration card, sir... no votes for you."
So yea... I'm starting to throw shoes at my TV... then State Senator Jochum comes on TV... blah blah blah... it's important... blah blah blah... DAMN IT! You know what Pammy... it's not. It's way not. Worthless... big time worthless. So worthless that you wouldn't even keep this discussion around for the organs. Yea. That worthless. DAMN IT!!!
Listen... I know that there will be little proclomations this session. A salute to Goober, Iowa and their 50th Cow Chip Throwing Contest... awesome. Oh... don't forget we're going to have another salute to Shawn Johnson day again... yea... she's dancing now. Sweet... can't wait for that to dominate the news... Oh crap... how about we remove the word idiot from the State Constitution... oh wait... you already did that.
But with all the crap we got going on... you want to discuss the Electoral College. DAMN IT! I tell you what... go for it. You know what? After you get done with that... I propose that we discuss the impact of the Designated Hitter in baseball... yea... I think Iowa should take a stand on this issue... seriously... "Oh come on G$... there are real issues to talk about... the budget... the gas tax... the economy... flood relief... important shit, man." Oh really? I'm sorry that's not important at all... we have to discuss the Electoral f'ing College.
Whew... feel a little better... you think I'm nuts? Even D Chung and the Fly Boys are chirping about it...