***UPDATED 3:46PM!!!!!!! WOOT!!!!
So... QCI-ders… “Hey yo.” (Don't ask questions of why I have Scott Hall here to lead off, just go with it.) I’m back after a busy week and a big W on Saturday Night. Speaking of fast action on Saturday, it was District Convention Day.
SCC GAME DAY - Although, we’ve talked and speculated on who’s running… Battleground Iowa ended up with a great preview. Now that the dust has settled, your Weekend Update brings you the abbreviated the box scores of your brand new State Central Committee (SCC). Why abbreviated? Because none of you are answering my phone calls because you are out in your backyard drinking beer and grilling. As you should… it’s pretty f’ing aye John Deere right nice outside. So I need your help in filling in the blanks!!! Help a brotha out!
1st DISTRICT: John Hulsizer (Dubuque), ????????? (????) and ???????? (????)
John came into the race late. Great activist will serve the committee well. Who were the others?
2nd DISTRICT: ??????????? (????), ????????? (????) and ??????? (????)
Have nothing… apparently, many of you tailgated too much at the Spring Game in Iowa City this weekend. (or still tailgating) After sitting through a platform discussion a time or 2, I don’t blame you. Plus, word on the street was that the 2nd was going to be a true Thrilla in Manilla.
2nd DISTRICT - UPDATE: Lisa Smith (Wapello), David Chung (Linn), and Jason Hutcheson (Louisa)
3rd DISTRICT: Steve Scheffler (Polk), Gopal Krishna (Polk) and Eldon Pals (Jasper)
Scheffy cruised to victory... also, did you know the sun rises in the east? Big changes without Uncle Ted and Loras not running. Gopal returns to the SCC for the first time since 1999 and the Jasper County GOP Chair, Pals, makes it in. Finally a completed district. What does this say about the 3rd? I report, you comment.
4TH DISTRICT: Isaiah McGee (Dallas), Matt Randall (Story) and ???????? (????)
Isaiah is in! Woot! He’ll be great. Randall returns… who’s on third? Donny Boy, answer your phone!
5TH DISTRICT: Reid Houser (Pottawattamie), Monte Shaw (Guthrie) and ????????? (????)
Houser is back to serve another… Monte is in… his experience will be key for the SCC. Who filled the last spot? I know there isn't so much heavy tailgating out west.... unless you were in Lincoln. Over 80,000 for a spring game? Holy crap!
Cool. That's call I got. You thoughts overall? Surprises? Thumbs up? Talk to me people.
Thanks in advance for your help filling in the roster. Now, since the weather is pretty friggin sweet right now… I’m gonna go find a good patio and ice cold beverages. Discuss away QCI-ders. And to put you in the mood for some good summer like temps… crank up this oldie but goodie from the Fresh Price: