I wish I was joking if said... these texts and emails are starting to get annoying... but I guess I understand the question... because I haven't communicated it to all you QCI-ders out there.... texting, emailing and calling... "Are you going to the State Fair?" "You did this for the Fair right?" or "You gotta enter the contest at the Fair." Let me walk you through it....
First and foremost, I've said it once... I'll say it again. I do not need a contest to tell me I'm awesome. It already flows from the back of my head. Plus... and this may come from a personal bias... I'm not so into the Fair. Meaning... I'm not a fan... I think that in many ways... the State Fair give the mullet a bad name... a poor reputation. I mean... Just you rock the mullet... doesn't mean you have to be at the Fair... Mullets come from everywhere...
"So why are there so many mullets at the Fair?" Good question... its because... there are tons of people every year who say to theirselves in the winter... "You know, I'm going to be awesome this year. I'm going to grow a mullet and some mean ass facial hair and... just be awesome." Now... as you all know... mullets are greatness. To really rock it, you gotta have patience. Greatness takes time... and is well worth the awesomeness that follows. So... to really get a goof mane, you need at least 7-8 months to get there... where... not only the magic happens... but when you have reached a full mature stage. And what is in the 8th month of the year? Yeah... the f'ing Fair. So... its a popular event around here... and to its credit gets some decent acts to play at the grandstand... so it's gonna draw people.
That's where all the mullets come from... that's why there's so many out there... and when you draw over a million people... you are going to find all sorts of awesome people there. You want the chicken and the egg answer? Yea... the mullet came first... I mean, haven't seen the cavemen on those comercials? Yea... the mullet is historically awesome....
"G$... so basically you're not a fan of the Fair, but support mullet awareness? How the hell does this work?" It just does. I mean... yeah... just because... it give the haircut a bad name.
More to come...