Of course, it never seems that Weekends are long enough... but for seem reason, this last one... seemed pretty long... all fun and such... yea, I know... weird. But enough of my not so deep thoughts. Let's do this.
A QUICK RUNDOWN - Alright... I thought that last week was... kind of slow... but here are some highlights... Chet Culver released his budget... House and Senate GOP peeps broke it down... read their stuff... I know it's all important and such... but... I'm not smart at all... trust me, they know better on this... The State of the Union was last week... but, we skipped it for Karaoke. More money talk... In the 3rd... Jim Gibbons is starting to break out... dinero wise. He's out raising everyone... even Leonard Boswell... Brad Zaun is up on the air with a good ad... simple and to the point... Mark Rees anounced he's kicked in his own cash... $50 Gs to be exact... Dave Funk came in with $15 Gs... In the 2nd... Steve Rathje has emerged as the top money guy... then 3M... Then Reed... I know... I know... Money isn't everything... and I'll be the first to say that... (see Ganske v. Salier)... but, this early and now we are getting to the sprint... these numbers can be very telling. I would like to see more organizational things... I'm sure we'll see those rosters soon...
STATE 29 RETURNS - The Godfather of the Iowa Blogs is back! Welcome back State! We missed you. Seriously... whether you agree or disagree with State 29... it's always a must read.
"So and so... can't wait for dinner, all i've had today is 6 gummy worms and scotch."
I've got a few buddies who may consider that breakfast. Whoah...
DOPPELGANGER - So speaking of Facebook, this new thing to do is the whole Doppelganger thinger. Where you post a a celeb look a like of yourself in your profile pic. Some are interesting... but... some of you are dreamers... I'm a loss for which one I look like... so use the comment section below with your suggestions. What one should I do?
SHOUT OUTS - Met a few loyal readers over the past week... just out of the blue. Thanks for reading and saying hello. Oh and if I have the deer in headlights look on my face... its me being weirded out that you all actually read this stuff. Weirded out in a good way of course.
THE GRAMMYS - I would say they were alright... Although... Kanye would have made the Taylor Swift stuff more fun.
SHARPIES - Man... I scored me some new Sharpies... I know... That's a random bit... but things in the QCI HQ are getting... in Living Color.... maybe I'll post some sketches soon.... I think I have every color now... and every type of Sharpie... I should be sponsored by Sharpie for as many as I purchase... that would be epic... Maybe I should just randomly talk, speak... all things Sharpie... Hmmm Sharpies... I loves them.
AND FINALLY... Dudes... you all hear? The Cold War Kids are coming to Ames (lames)... Freaking epic... Crank it and stay thirsty...