STATE TOURNAMENTS - Yes, it's that time of year. Still amazed that there are some who aren't aware of the Iowa Events Center. "How do you get to Wells Fargo Arena?" Um... see that big building over there? Yeah... Seriously? I mean, I know not everyone is in the Des Moines Media market... but... you'd think peeps would figure out that one of the state's largest arenas... probably not gonna be hard to miss. It is still kind of interesting to watch the out of towners as the mosey on through the DeMo... Or hearing the kid on the Skywalk say, "Man, ain't never seen anything taller than the silo back at home." Again, always proving the point... that we Iowans... need to act like we've been there before.
SPEAKING OF THE STATE TOURNEYS - Yea... noticed a pack of high school kids on their way into the Arena... with the look of being "up to no good"... My first thought, "Man, are these kids stuck on stupid or something?" Then I quickly figured... yeah... was totally one of those kids back in the day.
OVER IN THE GOLDEN DOME - Lots of stuff going on up there. From time to time... and probably will a million times over... I'll complain or make snarky comments of what bills are being debated. "This and this bill is a waste of time..." or "I can't believe peeps are debating this..." and so on and so on. Upon further reflection... that's what makes this whole thing perfect... no matter what you or I think about it.
THE OLYMPICS – Are catching this stuff? Good show so far. How about the Canada/Swiss game last night? Wow.
LET’S DO A RUN DOWN – Alright… lots of things are happening… Chirstopher Rants ended his campaign... He's one of the smartest guys in the party. I hope he hangs around... good luck to you, sir. And then there were three... Starting to see things heat up in the 3rd District. We all know about Jim Gibbons and Brad Zaun. But starting to see some movement from Dave Funk via different stuff on social media. Speaking of... note to all campaigns: We know you are working hard. We get your emails. Your tweets. Your Facebook statuses... all that stuff. Post pictures. People will start talking.
PETITIONS... PETITIONS! I've said this a bunch before... this is one of THE single parts of campaigns that are time consuming... and the most stressful. Seeing some chatter from everyone on their progress. Looks like folks are hustling. Not only is is way to test your organization... but.. a great way to meet potential supporters... and get your name out. While money is a great way to see how camps are doing... petition signature numbers are a silent indicator as well. I'm anxious to see where everyone ends up.
"So and so... Back to Iowa today. I super hope my pilot is not mad at the IRS."
Yikes. Safe travels.
CELTICS WIN?! Yeah.. totally annoying peeps on Twitter with the Celtics. But, at least they won... in LA? Yes, yes they did. And yes Isaiah... I know Kobe was out. Will take the W, tho. Now... if everyone could just get healthy.
CULVER NUMBERS - The worst kept secret in Iowa politics now? Chet Culver's numbers are tanking. Actually, they are worse than I would have predicted... But to top it off... anyone see the late late WHO-13 News? Yeah... they went after him pretty hard in Newton. So much, that he just walked off from the press gaggle. I wonder if the folks over at WHO-TV got a nasty email or had to apologize... Just like the peeps at the DMR did a while back? When I saw it last night... I was... well... I couldn't believe it. It was bad. Now... I know all of my peeps are doing happy dances and cart wheels... but we cannot let up. It's a very long time until November. We all need to keep pushing.
HMMM... For you South Hammies out there. Had a conversation that included a C-Style, Uncle Ubs and Fro reference the other day. Add a G-Money to the list... and you have either the names of an epic grunge band or a one hit wonder hip hop crew. Also... 50 bucks says Fro has that half court shot from the New Providence gym on DVD or YouTube... yeah or nah? Or as Bingo refers to it as... "the shot". Err! Homer hanky!
AND FINALLY... Speaking of epic Grunge Bands... who was gonna tell me that Soundgarden is getting back together? Anyone?! ANYONE!!!!? Rumor is... they are playing Lollapalooza. Epic... I caught that show in the DeMo way back when... The performance of the following song that day... still puts me in an trance when I hear this... totally worth skipping the senior year of baseball.... Stay thristy.