I'm sure this surprises a lot of readers when I say this. But for the Super Bowl? I prefer, just me. The game I love. And it's pinnacle event. It makes for a perfect Super Bowl.
Watching this game by myself is a kind of meditation... or a prayer for my affection for the League... and the game itself. The hype, the stories, the week long replays from NFL Films of past Super Bowls. Yeah... I completely geek out... Bust out my books from my slowly but surely future massive Pro Football library... old charts and magazines... football cards... Dork city man... dork city, and I'm the mayor.
Now... I don't get all intense as I would say... for a Chiefs game. No, that's a whole other mancrush... Nah, I just like to relax, score some good food... and enjoy the game. Really take it in. Like you would with a good cigar... or your last cigarette. Complete peace... epic...
Then something happened. I had a thought...
A thought that... made me have a small seizures last night... "What if the Chiefs... the Kansas City freaking Chiefs... ever made it to the Super Bowl?" Sure, I have had bunch of friends who have had their teams make it... They all handled themselves pretty good. In victory and defeat. For me... the Chiefs in the Super Bowl? I'd have to take 3 weeks off. I would have to be there... then need a week to recover... win or lose.
The whole idea of the Chiefs making it... gives me the chills. My favorite team... playing in my favorite game. I'm not sure I would handle it well. Hell, I remember how I felt when we almost made it in the mid 90s. Still have nightmares of that day in Buffalo...
Just seeing the Chiefs hold up the Lamar Hunt Trophy from the AFC Championship... would bring me to from jubliation... to tears, then bawling... to misbelief... But the Chiefs in the Super Bowl? One of the main reasons I would have to go to the actual game... is to see it myself. Because, while yes, I love the Chiefs... for some reason... I would start to believe that this was all a very sick, sick joke being played on me. I would have to be there. To hold the ticket, read the program and see the actual arrowhead logo on the field... So I knew that this was happening.
Sure, I'd have a smile from ear to ear... then it would get to a few days before the game. I would be a wreck. Then... Gameday? I would need a few things... my family, because the Chiefs in the Super Bowl, would be an event that matches the levels of a birth of a child/weddings/funerals... I would need doctors and a priest... just in case I need help in a medical emergency and or my last rites read...
Then I don't know what else I would do. Of course... take in all the festivities... then, there would be the game. First off, just going to the Super Bowl would be huge... but to watch the Chiefs play in it? That would be pretty insane. I'm not sure I could take it... I mean, oh hell yes I could... but then it would be a matter of them winning or losing... Not sure how many emotions I could take all at once.... What am I saying? Effing aye John Deere right I could do this! I would never forgive myself if I didn't go if for some reason... the Chiefs made it. It would be epic.
OK... just has another thought that caused a small heart attack...
The Chiefs playing in the Super Bowl...
With a halftime show starring...
I think my head just exploded.