Tell me again why we should pay attention to a rodent who can tell the weather? Hmmm... (insert your global warming and weather man/gal/person jokes here). But days like today and the current weather could mean something awesome...
GRILLED CHEESE PILLAGE DAY - Hell yes. Nothing goes better with cold weather... than grilled cheese and soup. Check that... I could roll with just the grilled cheese. Man... I loves me some grilled cheese. Still own the NIACC record for eating the most grilled cheese sandwiches... 65. Yeah... not kidding. "You must have been sick G$." Nah... there are only 2 reasons why I stopped at 65... Number one... I had to get to class, two... the cafeteria was closing. Man... would be cooler if they let me eat just four more... (smirk)... For real... I could eat these all day... not get full or even sick. Yeah... I know... this is the most random subject... maybe in QCI history... ok... maybe the top 25... oh man... so craving grilled cheese...
TIM TEBOW AND THE SUPER BOWL - Maybe I have said this before... but I like to keep the politics out my sports. For real. Even when I agree with your position. Can't we just get a break sometimes? But, it is a free country and peeps can spend their money how they choose... Anyways... this is a lead up to the Status of the Day...
"So and so... Seth Meyers' take on Tim Tebow's Super Bowl commercial: 'Note to NFL defenses next year, when Tebow runs the option, he's always going to keep it.'"
Hilarious... before you send your hate mail... admit this is funny.
QCI IS HELPFUL FOR WRITING COLLEGE PAPERS - Yikes... yikes like 50 times over. In the comment sections on this horrible waste of time... I get some weird comments... I know that some of this stuff is from spammers and such... but lately, I've been seeing comments like this, "Amiable post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you as your information." Huh?
AND FINALLY... You would have never guessed that this is probably a part of one my favorite tunes... Aaron Copland's 3rd Symphony... Stay warm and pass me another grilled cheese...