Single topic post today... ok, kind of. Ecomonicish development. ....OK, you all can stop laughing. For real. Alright... I came up with this idea on Saturday after seeing a tweet from some peeps in eastern Iowa... and it's a little selfish idea I have to admit.
There have been thousands of dollars spent by the State and communities on helping to grow the economy and keep young people here... and so on, and so on... Bike trails, new attractions... shaping up Main Streets in small towns... you name it, they've tried it.
Now, we all know how we could really make an impact... or make it work. Make government leaner, more efficient... spend resources on solutions that work... and then, whatever we don't use... pass the savings on to the taxpayers. Right? Yeah... good. I know, I know... totally simplifying it down without 10 point plans, funky graphics, impressive polling... blah blah blah...
But, if no one has any interest in doing that... and we must spend money... humor me on this... I've got a way to keep people happy and keep 'em here... or get them to come home... Yups... I'm talking about food. Food from our college towns all over the state. Is it crazy? Sure. But think about it...
If you could get wings from the Vine in Iowa City... anywhere in the state... the people will come. If someone was considering to move to here or Tulsa... knowing that Falbos Pizza was available in all corners of the state... it would be a deal breaker. And, if they knew the Welch Avenue Gyro guys would be out in force just as much as the State Patrol on any given evening? Oh... the people will come Ray... they will most certainly come.
Seriously man... why... or how does all that stuff in Iowa City... Ames... and everywhere else you went to college... taste so epic?
Call me crazy, but that's what you do. Food. Epic food... Now... since this has a better chance of becoming the economic policy of the state... than making the Monday after the Super Bowl a State/Federal Holiday... I'll just keep dreaming... think abou it tho...
Scoring slices from the Airliner anywhere in the state... on any given Sunday?
Alright... this is a dumb idea... but would be awesome if I could score wings from the Vine... anywhere in the state. Hey, we got Wig and Pen in Ankeny... it might happen!
Alright... QCI-ders... tell me what epic food joints we should have in every corner of the state? Use the comment section.
Stay thirsty... and crank this epic version of a classic from The 5 Stairsteps... via Bruce Ruffin...
Hey hey there QCI-ders... here's where I really annoy my loyal readers with obscure sports stuff. Yeah... kind of a junkie when it comes to this subject. For those those who know me well... I can just about get into any game that's on. My sister asked me once... "What's your favorite to watch?" My answer... "Hmmm... uh..." She follows up, "Alright, basically anything on, right?" and I'm like... "uh yeah." It's so true. Some peeps think I must have some secret bookie or something. Because, I can get into just about any game. Not much of a gambler... I just love to watch. Which brings us to another random post of sports things... humor me here.
HOCKEY DAY - If you did not watch Olympic Hockey yesterday... you completely missed out. Now, admittedly... I'm a causal hockey fan.... meaning... I'll follow it and actually watch a game here and there when available. But yesterday... was off the freaking charts. First the Russians and the Czechs. Probably one of the hardest hitting games I've ever watched... which makes it interesting because the Europeans are more skaters than hitters like their North American counterparts. But my guess is, because of no fighting in the Olympics... and the fact that these countries and players, hate each other. I don't think anyone who was on the dasher boards left with out getting hit. It was awesome. USA! USA! USA! - Wow... did you all catch that? Upsets amongst upsets. Probably the best game I have ever watched. The big losers last night weren't the Canadians... although... they may think that today. The biggest loser in last nights game was the sport of hockey and it fans... because not many got to see it. That game would have made hundreds of thousands of fans of the game. Which is sad. It's a GREAT sport to watch... and not as hard to follow as you think.
"So and so... USA-5 Canada-3. This might be the day the Jungle e-mail server finally melts down, especially since American clones were already texting LAST NIGHT. Samples: "Dear America's hat,'ll always have seal clubbing. Sincerely, 5 to 3" -Wal in Bend... "5-7-5 Canada is good / But Miller just stoned your ass / Cue up Carl Lewis."- Rob in Cleveland. BRING IT"
Geez... wonder who's status that is... hilarious listening today.
TRAGEDY ON THE QUARTER MILE - If you know me well... you know I follow the NHRA. I'll argue its the fan friendliest in all of motorsports. But yesterday, the sport of drag racing showed its very dangerous and mortal face as a fan was killed. Antron Brown's top fuel dragster went out of control, then a tire flew striking a woman in the stands. She was pronounced dead later at a Phoenix hospital. Having been to numerous NHRA events... I can tell ya... incidents like this are rare... But true NHRA fans know, that stuff like this can happen anytime. The NHRA spends countless hours on preparation for accidents and incidents like this. THE CELTS STREAK ENDS - Yeah... my brain was getting pretty fried yesterday. The Celtics were the late afternoon game while the hard hitting Russia/Czech game was on. Man... I think the reign is over... these guys need to get healthy but have a toughs sch ahead. Great to see Garnett back in the line up... Good West Coast road trip though. Need some wins in the Garden this week. CURLING - Call it a case of Olympic fever... but man... I'd join a curling league in a heart beat. Who's with me?!
AND FINALLY... While this weekend was a fun sports weekend (Olympics, Hockey, Basketball, High School Wrestling finals)... especially Sunday... I still miss football on Sundays... well... everyday in general... So crank this... Also, stay tuned tomorrow. I came up with an economic development idea... will post tomorrow... some may agree... most will laugh... until then, stay thirsty.
Alright... sorry for the lack of posts. I have two excuses. Number one, been busy... and number two, I've been stuck in a writers block... everyone else in the LBC has been covering most of the scoop... I try to keep it original as much as I can... Yeah, I know... lame excuses... and yes... the majority of this is not original. So how about a good ole fashioned post of random? OK.
STATE TOURNAMENTS - Yes, it's that time of year. Still amazed that there are some who aren't aware of the Iowa Events Center. "How do you get to Wells Fargo Arena?" Um... see that big building over there? Yeah... Seriously? I mean, I know not everyone is in the Des Moines Media market... but... you'd think peeps would figure out that one of the state's largest arenas... probably not gonna be hard to miss. It is still kind of interesting to watch the out of towners as the mosey on through the DeMo... Or hearing the kid on the Skywalk say, "Man, ain't never seen anything taller than the silo back at home." Again, always proving the point... that we Iowans... need to act like we've been there before. SPEAKING OF THE STATE TOURNEYS - Yea... noticed a pack of high school kids on their way into the Arena... with the look of being "up to no good"... My first thought, "Man, are these kids stuck on stupid or something?" Then I quickly figured... yeah... was totally one of those kids back in the day. OVER IN THE GOLDEN DOME - Lots of stuff going on up there. From time to time... and probably will a million times over... I'll complain or make snarky comments of what bills are being debated. "This and this bill is a waste of time..." or "I can't believe peeps are debating this..." and so on and so on. Upon further reflection... that's what makes this whole thing perfect... no matter what you or I think about it. THE OLYMPICS – Are catching this stuff? Good show so far. How about the Canada/Swiss game last night? Wow. LET’S DO A RUN DOWN – Alright… lots of things are happening… Chirstopher Rants ended his campaign... He's one of the smartest guys in the party. I hope he hangs around... good luck to you, sir. And then there were three... Starting to see things heat up in the 3rd District. We all know about Jim Gibbons and Brad Zaun. But starting to see some movement from Dave Funk via different stuff on social media. Speaking of... note to all campaigns: We know you are working hard. We get your emails. Your tweets. Your Facebook statuses... all that stuff. Post pictures. People will start talking. PETITIONS... PETITIONS! I've said this a bunch before... this is one of THE single parts of campaigns that are time consuming... and the most stressful. Seeing some chatter from everyone on their progress. Looks like folks are hustling. Not only is is way to test your organization... but.. a great way to meet potential supporters... and get your name out. While money is a great way to see how camps are doing... petition signature numbers are a silent indicator as well. I'm anxious to see where everyone ends up.
"So and so... Back to Iowa today. I super hope my pilot is not mad at the IRS."
Yikes. Safe travels.
CELTICS WIN?! Yeah.. totally annoying peeps on Twitter with the Celtics. But, at least they won... in LA? Yes, yes they did. And yes Isaiah... I know Kobe was out. Will take the W, tho. Now... if everyone could just get healthy. CULVER NUMBERS - The worst kept secret in Iowa politics now? Chet Culver's numbers are tanking. Actually, they are worse than I would have predicted... But to top it off... anyone see the late late WHO-13 News? Yeah... they went after him pretty hard in Newton. So much, that he just walked off from the press gaggle. I wonder if the folks over at WHO-TV got a nasty email or had to apologize... Just like the peeps at the DMR did a while back? When I saw it last night... I was... well... I couldn't believe it. It was bad. Now... I know all of my peeps are doing happy dances and cart wheels... but we cannot let up. It's a very long time until November. We all need to keep pushing. HMMM... For you South Hammies out there. Had a conversation that included a C-Style, Uncle Ubs and Fro reference the other day. Add a G-Money to the list... and you have either the names of an epic grunge band or a one hit wonder hip hop crew. Also... 50 bucks says Fro has that half court shot from the New Providence gym on DVD or YouTube... yeah or nah? Or as Bingo refers to it as... "the shot". Err! Homer hanky!
AND FINALLY... Speaking of epic Grunge Bands... who was gonna tell me that Soundgarden is getting back together? Anyone?! ANYONE!!!!? Rumor is... they are playing Lollapalooza. Epic... I caught that show in the DeMo way back when... The performance of the following song that day... still puts me in an trance when I hear this... totally worth skipping the senior year of baseball.... Stay thristy.
There are times of tragedy and despair... Snow storms.. Earthquakes... Lindsay Lohan... The Kansas City Chiefs... People living in starvation... Worms being used for fish bait... Unemployment... Rising debt... Dogs and cats living together... Some real issues of the day. Instead of sitting on the sidelines making snarky commentary and waiting for solutions... we are here to bring hope. Recently... we offered some advice... a little help... to those in need. You can read all of it here. Sadly, either folks are not on the interwebs... ignoring the problem... or hoping it just goes away.
After some chatter from some loyal readers. We cannot let this tragedy go on any longer. That is why I'm proud to announce a new charity...
QCI's Crappy Tie Relief Effort Where we're not here to judge... we're just saying.
Friends it's time to take action. Here's how the CTRE works and the ways you can help:
- Notify us of people in need of better ties. Our network of gracious families will adopt these people and give them a better life. A life without cartoons in their formal wear. - Donate your good ties. A website of drop off centers will be available soon. - Make a financial contribution to purchase better ties or help fund the recycling of crappy ties as they find new life in the Circus and Carnival Industry. - Promote awareness by wearing a nice tie. - Complement those with good ties. Especially in the presence of others who thought Mighty Mouse was cool enough for today's board meeting.
Together we can start a movement, a movement of hope. Very soon, we will announce a series of benefits and concerts. All are to help raise the necessary funds and needed awareness for this cause. The Crappy Tie Relief Effort: Where we're not here to judge... we're just saying. I trust we count on your help for this worthy charity.
I guess I can admit it... I'm a news junkie. Probably more than a political junkie... in some cases. Spooky thought... Isn't kind of interesting how and where we get our news these days? Call me ancient... but growing up... you had basically three: Newspaper, TV and Radio. Not much has changed I guess... Still catch the 6 and 10 news, have the radio on as I'm getting ready in the morning... only now I check the papers on Twitter... still get the hard copy of the Jewell Scoop every week though.
So what's with the trip down newsy memory lane? Not sure... I just have a few random questions... from the news and observations I have had lately... feel free to answer in the comment section.
Iowa Film Tax Scandal: Did you see they reported paying $225 for a hand broom? Please tell me these guys making these movies in Iowa are members of Congress.
Changing of the State Seal: Are you kidding me? They actually debated this? How do peeps working on the budject and government reorg feel about this? p0wn3d?
Weather: How many times are we going to hear the words "travel not recommended"?
Crappy Twitter Updates: How annoying are twitter hashtags that only one person uses? Then over uses them? Over and over and over? And think that they will trend? Hey... at least there are others who actually use #goodjoboutofyou... remember that before you send me hate mail.
What is more annoying? People who suddenly claim to be life long Saints/Colts fans or people who root for the team that has more Iowa connections?
Speaking of... How many new UNI fans are gonna come out of the closet in March? Even the ones who attended the school and never stepped one foot in the UNI-Dome or McLeod Center?
Side Note: Nah... I'm not saying you can't root for any given team on any given day. You may have a couple grand on the game... hell, I'll probably root for UNI in the tourney... I'm just saying, I won't act like I've been for years... truth be told, you'd be surprised how long I've actually rooted for the Hawkeyes. Can you guess?
DC: Anyone else cool with our Nation's Capitol getting shut down because of Snowmageddon? Less damage is being done, that is for sure. And I'm talking about all of them.
Baseball: Pitchers and catchers report in a week, who's excited? Or who is meh? Or who is like... Football!? Football!? Why must you go?!
Iowa DNR: Need more proof that these guys are out of touch? I've got one, banning worms for fish bait? Oh and don't even try to make the arguement for it... because I'll get Tommy to get his tack hammer out... got it?
Ture or False: The Nachos at the Library are a national treasure.
People's Brains: Are peeps arguing stupid things, doing stupid things... in a crappy mood... and all that stuff... because all of our brains are frozen? Yikes...
Alright... enough... How about indulging in what I consider one of Metallica's greatest performances... namely... this song and this show in Moscow 1991...
Crank it up and wear a hat... so no one can see the horns popping out... heheheheh... metal.
It's a joke people, horns will not grow out of your head if you listen to this...
OK... the Big Game. Man, oh man, do I love the game of football... the NFL... College... and everything in between. The Super Bowl is probably a holy day for me... and for the first time in a long time... I got back to what I used to do for the game... watched it by myself. No parties... No bars... No bandwagon fans... No people who just bought a jersey that afternoon... No people carrying on how sports are a waste of time... No people turning the game into some political/sales/church event that benefits them... No people who ask, "Hey, how do they paint that yellow line on the field for the first down?" ...then having to explain what a first down is. No people who are anti-NFL, "Dude, college is way better..." And yes... no people who say they watch the game for the commercials... that's like saying you read Playboy for the articles.
I'm sure this surprises a lot of readers when I say this. But for the Super Bowl? I prefer, just me. The game I love. And it's pinnacle event. It makes for a perfect Super Bowl.
Watching this game by myself is a kind of meditation... or a prayer for my affection for the League... and the game itself. The hype, the stories, the week long replays from NFL Films of past Super Bowls. Yeah... I completely geek out... Bust out my books from my slowly but surely future massive Pro Football library... old charts and magazines... football cards... Dork city man... dork city, and I'm the mayor.
Now... I don't get all intense as I would say... for a Chiefs game. No, that's a whole other mancrush... Nah, I just like to relax, score some good food... and enjoy the game. Really take it in. Like you would with a good cigar... or your last cigarette. Complete peace... epic...
Then something happened. I had a thought...
A thought that... made me have a small seizures last night... "What if the Chiefs... the Kansas City freaking Chiefs... ever made it to the Super Bowl?" Sure, I have had bunch of friends who have had their teams make it... They all handled themselves pretty good. In victory and defeat. For me... the Chiefs in the Super Bowl? I'd have to take 3 weeks off. I would have to be there... then need a week to recover... win or lose.
The whole idea of the Chiefs making it... gives me the chills. My favorite team... playing in my favorite game. I'm not sure I would handle it well. Hell, I remember how I felt when we almost made it in the mid 90s. Still have nightmares of that day in Buffalo...
Just seeing the Chiefs hold up the Lamar Hunt Trophy from the AFC Championship... would bring me to from jubliation... to tears, then bawling... to misbelief... But the Chiefs in the Super Bowl? One of the main reasons I would have to go to the actual game... is to see it myself. Because, while yes, I love the Chiefs... for some reason... I would start to believe that this was all a very sick, sick joke being played on me. I would have to be there. To hold the ticket, read the program and see the actual arrowhead logo on the field... So I knew that this was happening.
Sure, I'd have a smile from ear to ear... then it would get to a few days before the game. I would be a wreck. Then... Gameday? I would need a few things... my family, because the Chiefs in the Super Bowl, would be an event that matches the levels of a birth of a child/weddings/funerals... I would need doctors and a priest... just in case I need help in a medical emergency and or my last rites read...
Then I don't know what else I would do. Of course... take in all the festivities... then, there would be the game. First off, just going to the Super Bowl would be huge... but to watch the Chiefs play in it? That would be pretty insane. I'm not sure I could take it... I mean, oh hell yes I could... but then it would be a matter of them winning or losing... Not sure how many emotions I could take all at once.... What am I saying? Effing aye John Deere right I could do this! I would never forgive myself if I didn't go if for some reason... the Chiefs made it. It would be epic.
OK... just has another thought that caused a small heart attack...
Maybe this should be a new feature... Feedback Friday? Yeah right... like a feature here on QCI lasts more than... a post or two... Don't judge me, I know my limits...
So after some emails, Tex Mexes and a few conversations with readers... and occasional on lookers from the past couple of months... I'm gonna respond to your feedback. But first... an epic status from the snowstorm out East...
"So and so... Schneider's Liquor just sent an email saying they'll be closed tomorrow due to Snowmageddon 2.0. Not sure if its more distrubing that a) I'm on a liquor store's email list b) they're closing c) this was far worse news than the forecast upgrade to 30+" snow"
How about.... D, not disturbing at all?
Alright... let's answer some of your questions, comments and insults... directly from you.
What is up with your spelling and grammar? It's "cited" not "sited". (Sigh) Yeah... I really suck at it. I could come up with a million excuses, but why fight it. Even when I use spell check... It's like I'm stuck on stupid sometimes. My bad... and I am really working hard on this. Good thing I scored this poster from The Oatmeal... it's like they are inside my head. Weird. Where do you get the Facebook Statuses of the Day? Well... just by seeing it. I know a lot of funny people. And funny people put funny stuff as their status. You think you found one? Email it to me. You didn't really eat 65 grilled cheese sandwiches in one setting? Yes I did. I have witnesses. Why do you hate West Des Moines? Hate is a strong word. I'm just not a fan and enjoy the city of Des Moines proper a bit more. I do hit West Duh Moines once in a while. See my peeps and usually stay in the bufferzone. So I don't have to put on extra sunscreen. What is all of this "epic" stuff? You say it all the time. Uh... It's a long story. Basically, epic is the new awesome... and its sweeping the nation. Check yourself. Where is God's Country? Southern Hamilton County, Iowa. Don't ever let anyone tell you its anywhere else. I'm sure God has other places that are his favorites... Like... Kinnick or Arrowhead Stadium... or South Bend, Indiana... but for real... there is only one God's Country, and it's Southern Hamilton County, Iowa. Fact. You put out the most random content. Yeah... do I say thanks? Or sorry? Probably both. Contrary to what some may not believe... my brain runs super fast... I'm serious. Thoughts, ideas and other things are running faster than most NHRA Top Fuel Dragsters... all in my brain... the only thing is... they go around in a circle and I can't keep up with them. So that's why I'm so random... Not sure if there is a cure for this. If you know of one, let me know. It gets annoying sometimes. Who are you supporting in the primary? Officially neutral. Call it a small small way of trying to keep some sort of intregity for this horrible blog ER waste of time. I'm being totally honest here. I have friends supporting every candidate. That's where I get most of my scoop and such. Some chirp more than others do to me. Plus I get invited to do a lot of events and like to see how our peeps are doing. But anytime any of these candidates ask for advice... I'll give it. All you have to do is ask. You know the Chiefs suck, right? Yes. Yes right now they do. What can I say... I'm a sucker for hope. Are you really writing a book? Yes. What started out as a series of smart alec posts.... turned into this whole thing. Hard to explain, but I think it was the only time I caught up with my brain. (wow, that would be an epic song lyric)... but yeah. I'm really working hard on this. Hopefully it doesn't suck and people will enjoy it. Even if Kinkos ends up as my publisher... because I'm classy like that. Love your Twitters. I follow them all the time. Oh yeah. Sorry for that too. Oh... I mean thanks. Feel free to follow me up here. What are your positions on the issues? El Camino Republican. Of which means a bunch of things. I made up my own label... My views are conservative. How conservative? I don't even know what that really means anymore. I'm prolife (and that means I'm against the death penalty too). I support tax cuts and think we need to get real serious about spending. Quit talking about it... and actually cut the things we don't need. I believe we will see the Kansas City Royals will win a World Series, the Chiefs win a Super Bowl and I will make out with Elizabeth Shue live on stage at the Grammys... before anyone in my generation will see a Social Security check. Keep the government out of the way of people being successful. Strong defense. Truth, justice and the American way. Some say I'm a Liberatarian in my views... I don't know. I'm not big on labels. I guess I should take some Facebook quiz somewhere to tell me where I sit. You know, because Facebook quizes solve everything... And you all can stop sending those to me... now. You are right. I can't think of a Doppleganger for you. Yeah, I know. Right? I guess I'll just have to be a really good Grant Young. What does #goodjoboutofyou mean? Exactly what it means. It's a cool way of saying... "Hey, nice job man." Or "Way to go." Or "That's awesome." Or "High five." And so on... and so on... Do you enjoy blogging? Yes. It's fun. And I like how some campaigns are taking the blog peeps seriously. Not me of course... no one really reads this. OK, they do. And yes, it is also true... my Grandmas reads this. (Hi Grandmas, love you) Yeah... I've said this before. But it's always nice to hear what people think of it. Lately, I'm finding out that complete strangers read this. And its cool to meet them in person. Who do you like in the Super Bowl? Uh... I guess, I'm just hoping for a good game. I'll just quote what my mother says every year: "The Super Bowl? Who cares the Chiefs aren't in it anyway." But I would say... Saints if its lopsided. Colts if its close.
Alright... maybe I answer some more. Got a question, comment or insult? Email
A lot of stuff lately... in the 3rd that is... and by popular demand... and for some people who hated it... I thought I'd slow jam today's update. Please join me in welcoming back Mista Frost Eze Funk Malt (FM) and the Edwards Street Mullet Allstars (ESMA)... Hit it boys...
G$: (smooth voice) Awe yeah... and I mean awwwwwwwe yeaaaaah... without the #wingertvoice... Because... we are bringin the soul... FM: (signing)Money you're no big time DC lobbyist y'all... G$: (smooth voice) Dayam right... (singing)Hmmmmm.... ummmm ee hmmm hmm... Let's do this Frosty. BRING IT HOME! FM:(singing)A slow jam post right here to warm your heart, so many things goin' where do we start. From a brand new poll to emails that are phantom, come on G Money let's all get ran-dom... yee-aaauh... ESMA: [pauses with a drum snap… *snap*… then continues the slow jam]
G$: (smooth voice) Uhhhhhhh yeaahhh... QCI-ders... we're just trying to stay warm in all of this... madness... oh but not crazy... just crazy good... Like a nice blue snuggie... awe yeaaah... got you covered... we'll get you... warm... and snuggified... so get comfortable... relax and lets slow jam the 3rd... FM: (signing)Vict-or-y busts out their brand new poll, where Brad Zaun looks like he's in control. But six other fellas won't give up this fight, all makes for a long long June 6 ni-ye-ight...
G$: (smooth voice) Yeah... so... is it gonna get a little dirt-ay, in the 3rd-ay? Hmmmm... oh yeah... because... you may say it too early? Nah... fellas already be sendin' me emails from anonymous accounts... with graphics... and all that jazz... but we don't pass those on... Why? Because we're lovers... not haters... FM: (singing)Bring that love train, G Money. G$: (smooth voice) Oh yeah... FM: (singing) Yeah. G$: (smooth voice) Yeah baby... FM: (singing) Lovin train. G$: (smooth voice) yeah... ride the train. FM: (signing) #goodjoboutofyou, the train baby. G$: (smooth voice) Do the train, Kempton style. FM: (singing) Kempy knows that the train y'all... G$: (smooth voice) Because... there is a lot to go... Jim Gibbons has some cash to spend... Dave Funk is... bringin' the funk... and working it... Mark Rees has his peeps... the others too... and according to this poll... 60 percent... don't have a man... yet... so... Fellas in the 3rd... you better get out there and work it... as my homies say, you gotta... lock it up. Better put some rings on those voters fingers... Or you maybe... you'll start singin' a sad song... like...
G$: (singing)Ohhhhhhh.... I shoulda put a ring on it. FM: (singing)Shoulda had a ring. G$: (singing)Shoulda put a ring on it. FM: (singing)No ring? G$: (signing) I shoulda put a ring on there. FM: (singing)It's alright. G$: (singing)Alright... FM: (singing) You got time. G$: (singing)It's alright. FM: (singing)Time to use dat bling G$: (signing)Lordy you got time to use that bling. FM: (singing)And lock it up. G$: (signing)Lock it up, lock it up, lock it up... Lock it. Lock it. Lock. It. Up. FM: (singing)Close it up now.
FM: (singing)Big dance comin'... you know you'll be there. So buy that corsage... score some formal wear. Seven fellas lookin' to bring a date... better ask the hot one before it's too late. ESMA: [pauses with a drum snap… *snap*…]
G$: Ladies and gentlemen! Let me introduce to you... on lead guitar... for the Edwards Street Mullet Allstars... My man... Doc Hove (DH)! Do it Doc!
ESMA: [busts into massive jam] DH: [begins massive wail... for an epic guitar solo... think Kirk Hammett, Jimi Hendrix, Eddie Van Halen... and that dude from Led Zeppelin... haha I know... just kiddin', Jimmy Page... all smooshed together... got that all in your head? Good... how epic of a guitar solo is that? I know.] Crowd: [super tranced out]
[wait for it... wait for it]
ESMA: [Coming to an epic crescendo] DH: [Doc ends massive wailing and epic guitar solo] ESMA: [Ends slow jam with a drum snap… *snap*…] DH: [smashes guitar... lights it on fire]
G$: And that my friends... is how you slow jam the post. ESMA: [belts out a nice finish to the jam]
Urgh... I always try not to complain about the weather. But it's getting really really hard to lately. Especially today... given that the groundhog said winter is staying another 42 days...
Tell me again why we should pay attention to a rodent who can tell the weather? Hmmm... (insert your global warming and weather man/gal/person jokes here). But days like today and the current weather could mean something awesome...
GRILLED CHEESE PILLAGE DAY - Hell yes. Nothing goes better with cold weather... than grilled cheese and soup. Check that... I could roll with just the grilled cheese. Man... I loves me some grilled cheese. Still own the NIACC record for eating the most grilled cheese sandwiches... 65. Yeah... not kidding. "You must have been sick G$." Nah... there are only 2 reasons why I stopped at 65... Number one... I had to get to class, two... the cafeteria was closing. Man... would be cooler if they let me eat just four more... (smirk)... For real... I could eat these all day... not get full or even sick. Yeah... I know... this is the most random subject... maybe in QCI history... ok... maybe the top 25... oh man... so craving grilled cheese... TIM TEBOW AND THE SUPER BOWL - Maybe I have said this before... but I like to keep the politics out my sports. For real. Even when I agree with your position. Can't we just get a break sometimes? But, it is a free country and peeps can spend their money how they choose... Anyways... this is a lead up to the Status of the Day...
"So and so... Seth Meyers' take on Tim Tebow's Super Bowl commercial: 'Note to NFL defenses next year, when Tebow runs the option, he's always going to keep it.'"
Hilarious... before you send your hate mail... admit this is funny.
QCI IS HELPFUL FOR WRITING COLLEGE PAPERS - Yikes... yikes like 50 times over. In the comment sections on this horrible waste of time... I get some weird comments... I know that some of this stuff is from spammers and such... but lately, I've been seeing comments like this, "Amiable post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you as your information." Huh?
AND FINALLY... You would have never guessed that this is probably a part of one my favorite tunes... Aaron Copland's 3rd Symphony... Stay warm and pass me another grilled cheese...
In the immortal words of Kayne Robinson, "Good morning, welcome to work." Yeah... oh and sorry for the lack of postage on Friday... wasn't feeling it... and wasn't about to make a horrible post, even more terrible.
Of course, it never seems that Weekends are long enough... but for seem reason, this last one... seemed pretty long... all fun and such... yea, I know... weird. But enough of my not so deep thoughts. Let's do this.
A QUICK RUNDOWN - Alright... I thought that last week was... kind of slow... but here are some highlights... Chet Culver released his budget... House and Senate GOP peeps broke it down... read their stuff... I know it's all important and such... but... I'm not smart at all... trust me, they know better on this... The State of the Union was last week... but, we skipped it for Karaoke. More money talk... In the 3rd... Jim Gibbons is starting to break out... dinero wise. He's out raising everyone... even Leonard Boswell... Brad Zaun is up on the air with a good ad... simple and to the point... Mark Rees anounced he's kicked in his own cash... $50 Gs to be exact... Dave Funk came in with $15 Gs... In the 2nd... Steve Rathje has emerged as the top money guy... then 3M... Then Reed... I know... I know... Money isn't everything... and I'll be the first to say that... (see Ganske v. Salier)... but, this early and now we are getting to the sprint... these numbers can be very telling. I would like to see more organizational things... I'm sure we'll see those rosters soon... STATE 29 RETURNS - The Godfather of the Iowa Blogs is back! Welcome back State! We missed you. Seriously... whether you agree or disagree with State 29... it's always a must read.
"So and so... can't wait for dinner, all i've had today is 6 gummy worms and scotch."
I've got a few buddies who may consider that breakfast. Whoah...
DOPPELGANGER - So speaking of Facebook, this new thing to do is the whole Doppelganger thinger. Where you post a a celeb look a like of yourself in your profile pic. Some are interesting... but... some of you are dreamers... I'm a loss for which one I look like... so use the comment section below with your suggestions. What one should I do? SHOUT OUTS - Met a few loyal readers over the past week... just out of the blue. Thanks for reading and saying hello. Oh and if I have the deer in headlights look on my face... its me being weirded out that you all actually read this stuff. Weirded out in a good way of course. THE GRAMMYS - I would say they were alright... Although... Kanye would have made the Taylor Swift stuff more fun. SHARPIES - Man... I scored me some new Sharpies... I know... That's a random bit... but things in the QCI HQ are getting... in Living Color.... maybe I'll post some sketches soon.... I think I have every color now... and every type of Sharpie... I should be sponsored by Sharpie for as many as I purchase... that would be epic... Maybe I should just randomly talk, speak... all things Sharpie... Hmmm Sharpies... I loves them.
AND FINALLY... Dudes... you all hear? The Cold War Kids are coming to Ames (lames)... Freaking epic... Crank it and stay thirsty...