
Next Thursday....

Loyal Readers,

Hope everything is going great! Next Thursday, September 30th, I will complete my 33rd trip around the Sun. For you people in Story City reading this, it means it's my 33rd birthday. (smirk)

In the past, along with great friends, we’ve held huge blow out bashes that were legendary. But we're all getting a little old now and are busy with other things that life brings along. It's all good, we're old… This is what happens.

Lately, I've spent a little time helping out at the Central Iowa Shelter. In the kitchen JD, the head cook, told me that one of the top items they need on a regular basis are simply gallons of milk. You know, for breakfast and to try to provide a basic balanced meal for those who can't provide for themselves.

Man, think about that. I know there are some there who stay there that are off to brand new jobs or job interviews the next day. Just trying to get their life back together. You may never know how much a bowl of Wheaties in the morning could make such a difference. So here's what I want to do for my 33rd time around the Sun. I want you all to join me to have a little fun with all of my favorite people... And help some folks out.

Here's the goal, last time I was at HyVee (proud sponsors of your Iowa Barnstormers) a gallon of 2% was going for $3.49. Since I'm going to be 33, I figure let's raise enough cash for 33 jugs of milk for the Central Iowa Shelter. That's about $120 when you round some things up.

Can we make a difference? You bet! All while having a good time? But of course.

So here's the deets...

What: G$ @ 33 for 33
When: Thursday, September 30 - 6:00pm until whenever
Why: Have fun and help others by chipping in for 33 gallons of milk for those who really need it.
Where: Johnny’s Hall of Fame, Downtown Des Moines, 4th and Court
RSVP to grantyoung72@hotmail.com

Thanks to a proud sponsor of your Iowa Barnstormers, Johnny’s Hall of Fame will have drink specials for those willing to pitch in on the milk money. See? We got you hooked up.

So keep next Thursday after work open, get a sitter… get the neighbor to let the dog out… reschedule that oil change… “shampoo your hair” another night and come on out. Feel free to forward this on to others I may have missed. The more the merrier.

See you then,
