Peeps are decending on the DeMo...
Let's do dis...
ENTER KIM REYNOLDS - Yups, State Senator from Osceola is in the game... The Tex Mexes hit... and here she is. Good pick. There's a certain curiosity from the grassroots. A good one curiosity... they want to get to know her... are finding out a lot about here today... and from what I'm seeing... the more they learn and meet her... the more the love her.
LEAKS - Yeah... saw that some of you were a little cranky about that... uh... get over yourselves... this happens every time. It's how it works.
DEMOCRAT RESPONSE - Uh... remember what I was talking about last night? About their tweets? Nothing today. Nothing at all. Seriously?! Oh, sorry... there was a mid afternoon press conference with Patty Judge. I'm gonna say it. FAIL.
A LITTLE TOO COCKY - (hahaha cocky) Anyways... one thing I noticed today... other than the lack of anything coming from the loyal opposition... was the snarky and extremely over confident messages from democrats. Really? You all are talking a pretty good game for having a standard bearer who's down 26 points. But hey... keep it up. While you all are sleeping in while major announcements are being made... the good guys will be up and at 'em. Can we drop off some coffee? Say around 10:30 when you guys roll in? Maybe some Casey's Donuts? Oh, yeah... you're not supposed to eat those. My bad...
"So and so... Skort, skirt in the front, shorts in the back. It' like a mullet for your butt!"
What a minute. Not sure what to think of this... but if you say mullet in your status... you're tango sucka.
KNOCK IT OFF GRASSLEY AND HARKIN - Yeah... knock it the eff off. Listen I actually like you both... but seriously... The Big Ten? LEAVE. IT. THE. EFF. ALONE. Just stop. They don't have to show you shit. Really? What do you think the Big Ten is... Big Tobacco? I secretly wish they were that strong. You wanna see their plans? Urgh... They don't have to show you nothin'. They really don't. Mind your own business... oh... and hey... how about that oil spill in the Gulf? Is that still going on? Work on that.
STATE CONVENTION TIME - As I said, the peeps will be rolling into town tomorrow afternoon... Is there going to be impending drama? You asking me? I say no. And I feel a little more stronger about that today than I ever have. Look at the list of endorsements and statements today. Yeah... that's a solid bunch. The editor of the World's Crappiest Blog will be there. So stay tuned for horrible updates from yours truly.
BVP - Alright... I thought he was going on WHO on Thursday... it's Friday... What will he say? For all of this talk of a convention push... Why would you be on the air when most folks will be filing into the Iowa Events Center? We shall see what happens tomorrow.
AND FINALLY... For some reason I feel like a little Rusty Cage... Crank it... Stay thirsty my friends...