Anyways... let's do something we haven't done in a while. Get all random.
COUNTY CONVENTIONS - Yups... that time of year again... and the process has never been more important this year. Tons of candidates out there. Been going over some scenerios in my head about possible nomination conventions... Your thoughts?
SPEAKING OF NOMINATIONS - Peeps are wrapping up their petition drives to get on the ballot... A few have turned them in already... this weekend's conventions are another shot in the arm for people who didn't get a chance to before. Signed everyones at my caucus... so I'm good to go.
PEEPS ARE WORKING HARD - Loving all of the updates from the candidates via Twitter and Facebook. You all are killing it! (this means you doing it right in G$ speak) #goodjoboutofyou for just not being on social media... but using it correctly. I always believe that 90% of most things is just simply showing up... but when it comes to this stuff... that 10% becomes critical.
EPIC FREAKING PHILLYS -So listen up peeps... the DeMo has a GREAT Philly Steak joint now... Good as Gino's or Pat's in South Philly? For this Midwest Coaster... I say yes. On my scale of good stuff to eat... I say it gets 5 out of 5 #goodjoboutofyous. If you're in downtown for Lunch... Hit up Louie D's... but make sure you check their site... ordering a Steak... has a few rules. They are so freaking good. Off. The. Frigging. Chain.
"So and so... just watched a guy have a sneezeiure, 16 in a row. It was so loud and violent, simply awesome ! ! I shall now call him Sneezy Gonzales."
Didn't actually know sneezeiure was an actual word? Epic.
BOOK UPDATE - Whew... just broke the writers block and things are progressing well on my book entitled I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry I'm Awesome... due to be finished this year. Thanks for all of the supportive and positive feedback. And ideas! This thing is so freaking random... you will indeed freak. Now, I have a full fledged team that helps with the writing... Which is gonna make for a ginormous acknowledgement part... that good.
OH COLLEGE BASKETBALL HOW I LOVE THEE - So, since I was a kid... always loved me some March Madness... I would always "get sick" this time of year... I'm sure my Ma figured it out by 8th or 9th grade... when I had boards, preview magazines and everything else layed out... turning the living room into some March Madness War Room... "Yeah Grant... You don't look so well," she would say as she checked in on me over her lunch hour... "You might need to stay home for a few days." Then I got the smirk... then a wink. Then I would be like, "*cough* *cough*... Thanks Mom."
AND FINALLY... Not sure if I have mentioned this before... But THE most underrated Artist/Band of all time? Yeah... Phil Collins and Genesis... yeah... I freaking said it. Judge away if you will... but you know that Phil and Genesis are so OJ Simpson... guilty pleasures... crank it and stay thirsty...