
Zdrazvootsye comrade QCI-dinskis! It is wonderful day in the People’s Republic! We should be grateful to politburo for all of their keen wisdom in running the state’s business. In this the great Union of Soviet Socialist Counties, we still have great randomness that is “G. Ruble’s Caucus Countdown.” You like the new header, da?

WHO’S CALLING POLK COUNTY? A little scoop for your in the upcoming race for Premier of Mother Iowa. Interesting phone calls are being placed in Polk County. QCI confirm calls made into Polk County last night for a tele town hall with Congressman Steve King. Last we check comrades, Polk County is in the 3rd District. All calls were made to 4/4 or hard Rs households. Holy jumping Lenins, this premier race is getting warmer than I feel than after 10 Moscow Mules.

BLOGGERS OF THE WORLD UNITE! Special thank you to
Komrade Krusty to get in the spirit by flying flag of Mother Iowa.

WEATHER UPDATES - We got an update from Minister of Agriculture Bill Northinski on the effects of the weather and rain totals. Now we don’t want QCI-dinskis to get all hot and bothered about him jumping the race. QCI just believes Northinski and his staff are doing great job in outreach to new media. To check out the memorandum,
click here.

Per Comrade Sporer and release sent yesterday, it seems some party HQs need reminder memo about the new wonderful pro business laws pro scribed by Politburo. Comrade Sporer has all the pictures. You must have government “No Smoking” sign in windows. This gives Mother Iowa strength. She shows you who’s in charge!

More to come from the redder than red QCI! Until then, enjoy great rock ‘n roll music from Paul McCartney! Live from Red Square! Take it away Sir Paul…