Let’s get some chatter on the comment section… comment on the randomnous!
In no particular order of importance or stature… here’s 31 things:
1. The Weather – Why not start with the one subject we Iowans know what we’re talking about… the weather… love the cooler temps… makes me want to tailgate. Fall , you’re finally here…
2. Duh – I love that now every dumb ass McCain hater in Iowa is bringing up Senator McCain’s position on ethanol subsidies. WHAT!?!?! He’s against that?!?!? Holy HELL!!! Let’s say it together QCI-ders… with a big loud collective “NO SHIT.” He’s against all subsidies… ass.
3. Cape Cod Chips – Are so good with AE PArty Dip... Fact.
4. Chili – Speaking of the weather… dudes… it’s chili weather y’all! I think I’m gonna have to make the famous $20 chili… 5 different meats! Woot!
5. Canadian TV – I know I should be heading to bed earlier… but I must watch Da Vinci’s Inquest! And ReGenesis! Holy crap… who knew Canadians had good TV… I feel so cultured…
6. Randomnous – I think I have covered this one, but hey… anytime is good time for a QCI PSA… yes it probably should be spelled, randomness… but I like the “nous” part better… you don’t like? Get your own f’ing blog.
7. Concerts – Alright so we have Metallica and Dropkick coming… the real question, when is NKOTB coming to tha DSM???
8. Chiefs/Carolina – Gonna be a tough one, but if LJ still is diaperless… we’re gonna be fine.
9. Hawks – You think we got a shot Saturday? Remember Oregon State… that’s why you play the game.
10. As in Big Ten… the best conference ever… no question. You won’t win the argument from me. I will not budge. As Ms. Turner sez: “They’re simply the best.”
11. As in how many teams are in the Big Ten. Yes, they are that good… they have more than 10. The Big 12 (The Big Ten’s stepchild…) would like to add another team to their conference. Problem is… they can only count to 12… and no one would want to join anyway.
12. As in a cure for the election blues… sick of it yet? Drink 12 cans of ice cold Milwaukee’s Best Light… tastes way better while drinking in a garage in Jewell, Iowa. Scientifically proven fact.
13. We skip this one… we’re superstitious like that…
14. Debate Thursday – Never too early to start jawing about it. “You spin me right round baby, right round….”
15. Speaking of Palin – The Fly Boys are on a roll… and they are bringing the sexy back when it comes to junior high humor and antics. Keep up the hard work of freedom gentlemen…
16. Holy Shit – Smoker Hating Emily is talking about something other than the U of I Rape Case at Battleground! For real? Next thing you’re gonna tell me is that the Cubs are in the playoffs 2 years in a row… oh wait…
17. LET’S GO ROYALS – Let’s Go Royals…. Let’s go Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra RA RA RA RA Royals! Hell yes… love the Boys in Powder Blue are screwing up everyone’s program…
18. Getting Older – Yea… it’s not so bad… only when you are trying match the same level of activity when you were 18. Then you only get sore… damn…
19. Sing To The Leader – Wow… Dear Obama Campaign, The Castro Regime called… they said nice try on the song… all you're missing is Elian Gonzalez… other than that… they want their song back… yikes. Of course… the Fly Boys are on it…
20. Old Ratty T-Shirts – Hey QCI-ders… working on a project. You got old T-Shirts you need to throw out? Email me… Sports team shirts preferred. Thank you.
21. Moleskin Notebooks – Are they wave of the future… don’t leave home without them.
22. Speaking of the wave of the future – Facebook… why are you not on it yet? It’s the coolest… if you haven’t already… “Friend Me Up”…
23. 401 Keg Plan – with all the talk of Wall Street… I was forwarded on an article on investments:
If you had purchased $1000.00 of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now beworth $49.00. With Enron, you would have $16.50 left of the original $1000. With WorldCom, you would have less than $5.00 left. If you had purchased $1000.00 of Delta Air Lines stock you would have $49.00 left. If you had purchased United Airlines, you would have nothing left.But, if you had purchased $1000.00 worth of beer one year ago, drunk it all, then turned in the cans for recycling, you would have $214.00. Based on the above, the best current investment advice is to drink heavily and save your cans. This is called the 401-Keg Plan.
24. DINOSAURS! Going to see them tomorrow night… will have full review Thursday. Who wants to tailgate it?
25. Metallica is cute? Another forward from a loyal reader… Metallica + Cats = Cute Overload
26. McCain in Iowa – He’s back again today… still need proof we’re a battleground state?
27. Another Great Blog… From the creator of the best Bush 2004 shirt… The great good looking “FRY AND I ARE VOTING FOR BUSH” t-shirts… here’s his blog. Matt! We need new ones this year!
28. Just In Time for The MLB Playoffs – Yo… check out these shirts and blog. Think of it as Busted Tees meets ESPN… and they put it on a T-Shirt. Love the Hackensack one…
29. Another article – to empower the inner sports art geek deep inside you…
30. I likes… here’s more sports logo genius from the boys at ESPN… and photoshop…
And finally….
31. Here’s today’s… tune of the day… because that’s how I roll on my B-Day….