Anything with Gary Dolphin… Hawk Talk, Iowa pregames, games and post games. Anything with Mitch Holtus… Chiefs Kingdom and all Chiefs Fox Football Radio Network broadcasts. Car Talk… the only show you need to listen to on Public Radio. The Speed Channel… for the NHRA qualifying rounds. Law & Order… any of them… Mike and Mike… on 1700 the Champ. Food Network… duh. PBS late morning and early afternoon “how to” shows on Saturdays. Rush Limbaugh… so great to listen to him again. Anything on ESPN… with large emphasis on College Gameday. Sunday Night Football… even with Oberman, I can handle it…
(Disclaimer… as an alternative, you could add John Walters and the Cyclone Radio Network to the list… if you are into that…)
So basically… football, cars, food, beverage, Rush and building stuff… that’s how you can overcome the stupid media blues. But I can’t guarantee you won’t break anything during Hawkeye games… and Chiefs… wait, check that on the Chiefs, apparently they decided they want to suck really bad this year. Here’s some headlines and other subjects that will make a few pair of sneakers go airborne…
SARAH PALIN… Michelle Obama: Don't vote because 'she's cute' - Sigh… isn’t this the same reason why others are voting for your husband? Seriously, I’ve talk to these supporters… they love because he’s so dreamy.
MORE ON PALIN… Seriously… I love how the media has nothing… nothing… so all they want to do is attack. Also… guess what! BREAKING NEWS!!! Elected officials are indeed human… while the Grand Rapids bit is giving the otherside something to chuckle about… I’d take that before Joe Joe Biden’s wisdom that paying more taxes is indeed patriotic. King of Gaffes (Biden) aside… remember these people are humans… see also Dave Lamberti… sigh…
Now… let’s pause for a little inspiration from Coach Knight…
Don’t know why this fits in this post… just kind of pissed at the news and nothing sooths the soul like a Bobby Knight tirade… Plus… the Mesiah err Obama… said his supports should get in our faces… and argue… get in our faces? Expect a Bobby Knight response from QCI… just for your warning…
THE ECONOMY… You want the straight talk? Here it is. None of these dumb ass politicians know the answer. None of them. So they should have a coke and a smile and shut the f--- up. Like the first thing I wanna do is ask a politician how to solve this mess… sigh… More on their problem solving skills under DISASTERS…
POLITICS OF HOPE... Remember this horseshit we listened about during the Caucuses? Where is it? A positive campaign that will bring change. Instead, we get more of the same… constant bashing, grade school insults and rapid response nukes… so much for the “politics of hope” and “change you can believe in”… just politics as usual. Hey, we're no angels on our side... if you're going to say this crap... mean it, oh yea... keep forgetting about that thing about politicians...
DISASTERS... Fly Over has been keeping the Lug’s feet to the fire… and rightfully so. Seriously QCI-ders… while Iowans are a bit more modest and are the best at just “keep on keepin’ on”… this shit with the flood and disaster relief is going to go down as one of the biggest blunders in Iowa history. Kudos to all of the celebs and groups for raising money and awareness… a BIG middle finger to our state and federal (I’m talking to you… the morons in Congressional leadership) to your slower than slow (like my 40 yard dash) response to this disaster. Can’t wait to see how you all do with Ike… good luck Texas, you’ll need it.
Alright… while things aren’t bad as they seem… you know… the economy taking a dump… natural disasters… the NBC prime time schedule… ect… it’s not really the apocalypse… is it?
WAIT?!?!?! The Cubs are 2 wins away from the playoffs?!?!?!?! Maybe REM is right…