OK QCI-ders... how about that Monday Night? Whoah... well how about the first week of the season. So... as some of you know, this year marks the 50th Anniversary of the American Football League.
So the NFL is going all out with the tributes... Did you see these throwbacks!?!? Uniwatch has go you covered.
Oh... and Patriots Cheerleaders? Digging the Song Girl look... BAM!
As a Chiefs fan and now really a student of the History of the AFL... I'm completely geeking out. I mean... dayum. And not to get totally cheesy on you... Lamar Hunt has to be smiling from ear to ear. If you are a fan of Pro Football... you need to thank Lamar Hunt. (here's everything you need to know about him in case you don't)
Basically... here's a few reasons you should know why Lamar is the reason why your Sundays in the Fall are awesome:
1. After being reject franchises by the NFL... he started his own. The AFL.
2. If you are a Chiefs, Raiders, Jets, Chargers, Broncos, Patriots, Bills, Dolphins, Bengals or Titans fan... you should thank Lamar. Oh... don't forget the Falcons and Saints too...
3. You like the Super Bowl? Oh yeah... he came up with the name.
4. You like modern day NFL... um, you can thank him for brokering the merger of the leagues.
5. You like players from small colleges going on to become Hall of Famers? He and other AFL teams began this practice.
6. You like seeing other teams play on Thanksgiving other than Dallas and Detroit? Thank Lamar he pushed for that for years... and was finally reward with a game in KC... even though he was in a Dallas hospital.
There are a ton more reasons... sorry... I'm completely geeking out... but after watching those 2 GREAT and EXCITING games last night... I just could help to think how much pride he and the entire Hunt family must be feeling this year... A maverick league and visionary that dared to change everything... pretty cool if you ask me.