So... yeah... the Countdown is bringing some sexy back... kind of. If you are a huge dork (and admitting it is the first step towards acceptance) then... this Countdown maybe for you... or maybe because we are some of the most random ass people around... gonna go with that. We're sorry. We're sorry we are so awesome.
STILL GEEKING OUT - So yea QCI-ders... the inner sports geek is running wild in the HQ this week. Not like in the way of stats... but straight up useless trvia and other stuff... oh and get this... the MLB logo is 40 years old... here's the dude who made it... he gets honors at Yankee Stadum and Citi Field this week... did you know the original idea was to only use this logo for one year? Crazy... Oh and get this.. its not Harmon Killebrew... whoah...
SUPER GEEKED OUT SHIRTS - Alright... now this is a very obscure t-shirt joint. Specifically for Philly fans... but if you half way know the players and references... the shirts are amazing! If you're a Philly fan... you're welcome.
YOU NEED SPORTS GEEKED OUT SHIRTS YOU CAN UNDERSTAND? OK... the name of this store says it call. Sportscrack.com. Sports Crack?!?!? Best. Store. Name. Evar. Check this out... you all can thank me later... The "Tailgate Like a Champion" shirt went straight to the op of my Christmas list... Jesus Jokes are funny...
Oh... and calm down... you know JC has a sense of humor so stop the hateraide emails... chill.. the. F. out...
"So and so... has a broken fridge and a boat load of spoiled food. My life coach said 'i dont have bad luck, i just make bad decisions'. I'm on my way to his office to punch him in the f*cking throat."
So awesome... speaking of people who need life coaches...
THE WEEK THAT WAS BAT SHIT CRAZY - Ok... so... you get a presidential speech that looks more like Prime Minister's Questions, enter Joe Wilson. Sigh... then instead of a real debate on an important (yet uber boring... or I said it) issue like health care... you get a who should apologize debate. Double sigh... oh, but you would think this is more important...
THE WEEK THAT WAS BAT SHIT CRAZY - Ok... so... you get a presidential speech that looks more like Prime Minister's Questions, enter Joe Wilson. Sigh... then instead of a real debate on an important (yet uber boring... or I said it) issue like health care... you get a who should apologize debate. Double sigh... oh, but you would think this is more important...
Then... in a sport where ladies are ladies... and gentlemen are gentlemen... you get a sport where they are dropping more cuss words than the back of a Stanhope school bus... yup Tennis. Enter Serena and Federer... F this... F that... nice... triple sigh...
That it? Hell nah... MTV... Kanye... he didnt even cuss in this one... but damn man... (OK, we secretly agree with Kanye... oh yes we said that too!)
Are we done? Sigh... of course not... then POTUS unites the country! Even right wingers and lefties are having a Coke and a smile when POTUS calls Kanye a jackass.
You want to know what's jackass? That this is all we have been talking about in the mainstream media this week. You know... because there's nothing else important going on... you know... like a cure for cancer and shit like that... just saying.
AND FINALLY... because we're in a mood now... and this feels so right... enter Dr. Denis Leary...