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So speaking of baseball... here's a couple of cool baseball stoires that caught the eyes of the QCI staff...
ONLY IN THE VBC - So I think this one is starting to get around. But in case you missed it... here's a gem of a story that may shake your head... but will also make you say... Only in the VBC.
IRAQI BASEBALL TEAM - So as many loyal QCi-ders know... I'm kind of a sports art geek. I subscribe to a bunch of catalogs and such... and now... since many of these small companies are are niche markets... they have been doing a great job of new media outreach to their customers... For an example... Ebbets Field Flannels. Along time leader in authentic throwback jerseys. Here's a cool story from their blog on how they outfitted the Iraqi National Baseball Team with new digs. Very cool stuff.
"So and so... is hoping that the Dave Matthews Band doesnt drop a bus load of shit on me. I'm wearing a snappy little outfit i "rented" from Von Maur, to the show tonight. Even though thier return policy rocks, i doubt they'll take it back if its soaked in band turd. Crash into me . . . Bitches!"
I. Cannot. Make. These. Things. Up!
SPEAKING OF DOWNTOWN AND THINGS GOING ON IN THA DEMO - Man... the DeMo is hopping now with stuff to do. I mean... Dave Matthews Band at Sec Taylor? (Yeah... I still call it Sec Taylor... Deal with it.) Anyhoop... so everyone is (snicker) all glowing about the Sculpture Garden downtown. Its hideous. And I've said it before...but Tim Burton called, he wants with movie set back. I mean... when did a nice little park downtown turn into Beetlejuice? And... to get your inner fiscal conservative going $20 + million for this?
Listen, I don't want to turn this into a DAMN IT RANT, but I have no problem with peeps who want to spend money on the arts. I wish more private citizens and foundations could do more. For real, there are 1,000s of people out there with great gifts and these dollars are well worth the investment.... that being said... even for me... it just looks wierd. I mean. so out of place...
They started first way back with the Meredith Corp erecting (hahaha erect) a ginormous garden spade. Which, I'll give coolness points because its similar to Nelson-Atkins Museum in KC. A little wierd at first... but the locals seem to dig it now. But all that stuff at once? For real. Yeah...I look at that thing and I want to say Bettlegeuse, Beeetlegeuse, BEETLEGEUSE!
BEAT STORY! Yup... its an epic battle up in God's Country tonight! The Mighty South Hamilton Hawks with their white helmets that stand for all that is right and the cursive "Hawks" that stand as a symbol of excelence... with cardinal red jerseys that are glorious and a beacon of freedom... will be facing the hated Roland Story Norsemen with their dreadful white roads jerseys and black with sin pants. It's basically the Iowa/Iowa State game for folks back home tonight. Good versus evil. One of the most heated small school rivalries that no matter what the records are... it will be a street brawl.
The good news is... that in Jewell we will actually have people who know how to run a game clock correctly... if you ain't from there... you won't get it. GO HAWKS! BEAT STORY!
AND FINALLY... All this talk about high school football makes a fella want to crank some tunes.... where's Ubben when you need him to bring his Korn tape!