...shitting me." Nope, we're not. As Mr. Hammett has pointed out clearly... there is no shitting allowed here... or showering for that matter... wierd. So.... yeah... the Death DART buses did it again. Nailed another one again in the De Mo.
We've talked about this before... 7 times in the past 2 years.... if it happened once... you gotta think... hmmm... peeps ain't so smart to look both ways.... but we secretly think there's some sort of underground game going on within the crew... kinda like a Fight Club for Bus Drivers. (just kidding... we actually think its the black helicopters...
And the CR Gazette was all huffy and puffy about Buses instead of the push for trains... now... not to open up that can of government waste... but at least if the train hits something... kinda has no choice in the matter... just saying.