KRUSTY LOVES TO WEAR ROBES BACKWARDS - So yea... the Hulk Hogan of the blogs is handing out shout outs today. Nice... So... yeah... I guess my pic is in the DMR/Metromix thinger from the Snuggie pub crawl... yeah... some how, I ended up in there. So would I have participated if I knew about it? Hell no... it's a friggin' robe put on backwords... but I'll admit, who every came up with it... I'd say its a good bit... you got a whole bunch of people to buy the shit... and making millions...
NOT MUCH OF A SNUGGIE GUY - At the risk of pissing off a lot of readers... who loves themselves a whole lot of snuggie... here we go... so yea... glad you like them... but for real... wouldn't be caught dead in it. Seriously... when all those peeps were snuggyin' it up at Johnny's... my first thought was... "What the... did I mess up with my Lenten fasting things? What's up with all the apostles showing up at Johnny's?" Then I was like... oh... a Snuggie Pub Crawl... nice.
THE WORD SNUGGIE BOTHERS ME - Yea... totally does... because where I come from... snuggies are what many of you refer to as wedgies... so yeah... I see that ad on TV and I'm thinking some freshman at South High is gonna get his skibbys up is crack... and there will probably be some pain involved.
KRUSTY SAYS DON'T SING IT... BRING IT... So yea... Hershel, you know I bring the costumes... I don't bring that weak ass stuff up in this humpy bumpy for nothin'... believe me... when I bust out the outfits... its on like Donkey Kong... where's yours? Oh yea... you have that incognito thing going for you... :) yea... see also Chris Farley outsfits... yeah... won $500 at the U Bar once... I'm damn good... its somewhere on the Facebook.
KRUSTY SAYS DON'T SING IT... BRING IT... So yea... Hershel, you know I bring the costumes... I don't bring that weak ass stuff up in this humpy bumpy for nothin'... believe me... when I bust out the outfits... its on like Donkey Kong... where's yours? Oh yea... you have that incognito thing going for you... :) yea... see also Chris Farley outsfits... yeah... won $500 at the U Bar once... I'm damn good... its somewhere on the Facebook.
LACK OF POSTING - Yup... I'll own up to that... you see... and I have gone through this before... but... I try to keep original stuff going on here... you know? Kind of the state of the rightosphere... yourpolitical stuff is basically on the Bean Walker and the Yankees of the Rightosphere... the Iowa Republican... by the time I'm ready to post something on politics... there's like 6 different posts out there... and I'm like... yeah... dead horse has been beaten... and I get bored with it... so yeah... all I gots left is Mullets, Chiefs, Metallica, fart jokes and other junior high humor... which is what you all want anyway.... right? Are you not entertained?
So yea... there you go... plus... I'll be doing a ton more quick hits... because I have A.D.D. that way... let's get the party started... a quick clip from one of the best movies ever... crank it... Ok... maybe not at work...