Alright... now I really didn't want to get into this... because... I'm no economy guy. Stocks? Whah? Bonds? What the hell are those... Mullets? Now your talkin'.... Cold Beer? Hell yes... Who's the Chiefs getting in the first round... I have my theories... But economic stuff? Insert my inner Jim Mora here... Playoffs!?!? Playoffs? Playoffs!?!?!
So yea, I hope proved my case that... I'm simply minded... and not so much a daily reader of the WSJ... But, I do have some small town common sense once in a while... keywords "once in a while."
So OK, as a proud owner of a Buick.... GM and POTUS... let's talk about it.
Now... remember that bit where people say from time to time... "You know, the economy isn't the President's job description." "Presidents aren't the end all be all of the economy." Blah Blah... Blah... Zzzzzz... Blah... So yeah... Always agreed with that statement... from Bush to Clinton to Bush... or when I started to pay attention to this stuff, always subscribed to that school of thought... you know, until now.
When the President of the United States can fire the President of General Motors... Mr. President... this economy, officially became yours... Yessir, this thing is all you now. That's direct... straight up. No fakin' the funk on the nasty dunk... yup, this ones yours. Great job out of you. (sigh)