Alirght… how you doin’? “G$, what was with the stupid State Fair review?” What? “Yea man… what up?” What, you got a problem with Journey? Eat it.
So, the Countdown and QCI is disappointing you lately? Yea… we slacked off, big time. Dudes, there are a whole bunch of great sites now covering all things politics… I know, that doesn’t mean we couldn’t post some kick ass Metallica videos… we know… but, hey… they don’t call this World’s Crappiest Blog for nothing, right? He’s some random stuff that… probably could earn itself a Damn It Rant… but, not in that type of a mood… oh… we’re in a mood… but, for now at least… you never know… It could… here we go… few random thoughts that are slopping on the walls at QCI HQ… kinda like when we forget to leave the stove going when we make our famous chili… yikes, another good use for an ice scrapper…
NOT GETTING WHAT YOU PAID FOR? Then go ahead and threaten the bastards… seems like a simple strategy right now. Yikes… have you been reading and seeing this shit? Someone call National Geographic…because you’re gonna need to start a show called, “When Lefties Attack… and Eat Their Own.” Damn… Come on now… don’t threaten these guys, unless you mean it. Please. We know you’ll be back with them… you need them… it’s much different on our side… if you're gonna primary these guys... just do it. I double dogg dare you.
SHOE GUY GETS JAILTIME – So yea… the Iraqi guy who tried to do his best Bret Saberhagen impression and got jail time for chucking a shoe at President Bush… Zzzzzz… who cares… I’m just glad TVs can’t take you to court… I’d be in the pokey for a while… ever since the Chiefs hired Herm Edwards… I’ve been throwing more than just shoes at it on any given Sunday in the fall… this will change.
SOCIAL MEDIA – Alright let’s talk… So yea… Facebook…. these picture tagging things are way f’ing annoying… yea… don’t give a shit what Superhero you are, we are or what your friends are. Stop. Please. Now. Oh… another thing… learn the damn privacy settings… know this article… seriously, you’ll thank us later. Oh… and no disrespect to the peeps adding me and sending me these applications for causes… we care about them… nah, we really do… we just aren’t gonna add them. Alright? You know… unless its stuff about the Chiefs, Mullets, Metallica… and… how cool Scott Pioli is… or free beer (actual beers, not this virtual beer shit)… and junior high humor… oh, and if you find free Marlboro lights… Chiefs, Smokes, Beer, Mullets, Metallica and Fart Jokes… and we’ll be your huckleberry… got it? Good, glad we could have this talk. Oh and I’m not done on this subject… stay tuned…
You know what… you guys have been sucking at this… so none… I’m kidding! Here you go...
“So and so… cant wait to fall forward. i love savin' me some daylight. ya feel me facebookers? i'm going to get my face booked all night long! know what i'm sayin' bitches.”
SO… 9 months later and Eastern Iowa gets a flood package. Awesome. Great to know our state government really sucks at being a state government…
COLDPLAY IS COMING – Wow… yup… Everyone will say they want to go… kind of like how people say they love Radiohead… but the only song they know is “Creep.” Look for all the new DSM Hipsters… BTW… I like creep… and don’t claim to know any of the other Radiohead shit… so there you go.
TEA PARTIES – Yea… they’re everywhere… what’s your thoughts on those? Is it me or is every Tom, Dick & Harry conservative organization over doing this… I mean, great idea, great cause, yea yeah yeah yeah… I’m with ya… no, really am… just thinking we could do something with a more bad ass drink… tea? Come on… What’s next? A Sally the Salad eater party? wait… scratch that… you know what I mean! I’d say a kegger… but, do you want to waste beer? Is this overdone? Isn’t that why we have CPAC? Or a national party?… oh… yea…
MAN OF STEELE? Yea… didn’t really want to go there on this… but, feeling it today… WTF? Seriously. Not that we care what’s going on out there (other than Caucuses)… because here’s what we have proven here in Iowa… we can do our own stuff…
AND FINALLY… A little comic book geek/political humor for you… Lex Luthor asks for a bailout...
So, the Countdown and QCI is disappointing you lately? Yea… we slacked off, big time. Dudes, there are a whole bunch of great sites now covering all things politics… I know, that doesn’t mean we couldn’t post some kick ass Metallica videos… we know… but, hey… they don’t call this World’s Crappiest Blog for nothing, right? He’s some random stuff that… probably could earn itself a Damn It Rant… but, not in that type of a mood… oh… we’re in a mood… but, for now at least… you never know… It could… here we go… few random thoughts that are slopping on the walls at QCI HQ… kinda like when we forget to leave the stove going when we make our famous chili… yikes, another good use for an ice scrapper…
NOT GETTING WHAT YOU PAID FOR? Then go ahead and threaten the bastards… seems like a simple strategy right now. Yikes… have you been reading and seeing this shit? Someone call National Geographic…because you’re gonna need to start a show called, “When Lefties Attack… and Eat Their Own.” Damn… Come on now… don’t threaten these guys, unless you mean it. Please. We know you’ll be back with them… you need them… it’s much different on our side… if you're gonna primary these guys... just do it. I double dogg dare you.
SHOE GUY GETS JAILTIME – So yea… the Iraqi guy who tried to do his best Bret Saberhagen impression and got jail time for chucking a shoe at President Bush… Zzzzzz… who cares… I’m just glad TVs can’t take you to court… I’d be in the pokey for a while… ever since the Chiefs hired Herm Edwards… I’ve been throwing more than just shoes at it on any given Sunday in the fall… this will change.
SOCIAL MEDIA – Alright let’s talk… So yea… Facebook…. these picture tagging things are way f’ing annoying… yea… don’t give a shit what Superhero you are, we are or what your friends are. Stop. Please. Now. Oh… another thing… learn the damn privacy settings… know this article… seriously, you’ll thank us later. Oh… and no disrespect to the peeps adding me and sending me these applications for causes… we care about them… nah, we really do… we just aren’t gonna add them. Alright? You know… unless its stuff about the Chiefs, Mullets, Metallica… and… how cool Scott Pioli is… or free beer (actual beers, not this virtual beer shit)… and junior high humor… oh, and if you find free Marlboro lights… Chiefs, Smokes, Beer, Mullets, Metallica and Fart Jokes… and we’ll be your huckleberry… got it? Good, glad we could have this talk. Oh and I’m not done on this subject… stay tuned…
You know what… you guys have been sucking at this… so none… I’m kidding! Here you go...
“So and so… cant wait to fall forward. i love savin' me some daylight. ya feel me facebookers? i'm going to get my face booked all night long! know what i'm sayin' bitches.”
SO… 9 months later and Eastern Iowa gets a flood package. Awesome. Great to know our state government really sucks at being a state government…
COLDPLAY IS COMING – Wow… yup… Everyone will say they want to go… kind of like how people say they love Radiohead… but the only song they know is “Creep.” Look for all the new DSM Hipsters… BTW… I like creep… and don’t claim to know any of the other Radiohead shit… so there you go.
TEA PARTIES – Yea… they’re everywhere… what’s your thoughts on those? Is it me or is every Tom, Dick & Harry conservative organization over doing this… I mean, great idea, great cause, yea yeah yeah yeah… I’m with ya… no, really am… just thinking we could do something with a more bad ass drink… tea? Come on… What’s next? A Sally the Salad eater party? wait… scratch that… you know what I mean! I’d say a kegger… but, do you want to waste beer? Is this overdone? Isn’t that why we have CPAC? Or a national party?… oh… yea…
MAN OF STEELE? Yea… didn’t really want to go there on this… but, feeling it today… WTF? Seriously. Not that we care what’s going on out there (other than Caucuses)… because here’s what we have proven here in Iowa… we can do our own stuff…
AND FINALLY… A little comic book geek/political humor for you… Lex Luthor asks for a bailout...
"Lex Luthor Bailout" with Jon Hamm - watch more funny videos