Today’s 7.2 is my brother Adam. Hey, if you can’t ask your fam to participate, what can you do right? Well, as you have read, there’s one person in our family that gets 100% of our attention, Little Miss Ainsley (rightfully so, she’s the cutest dang thing). Per Adam and Sarah there will be a new addition to the Young clan this September. Congrats kids! Exciting news and a fun 7.2 from my (not so) little brother. Enjoy!
1. Tell us your daily routine… what’s the play by play?
6:00am wake up, get Ainsley a bottle because she is going to wake up soon. The "Young" in Ainsley wants food and wants it now! Hop in the shower, shave, dress and get on to work before 7:00. Once at work I check email, do daily paperwork, count the drawers, and start a to-do list for the staff. By noon I hope to have some of the items on the to-do list done. My afternoons are for finishing up items from the morning and making up a list for the evening crew. The "to do list" now becomes an "items to get done before you leave" list. Sometimes I get out of work at 4:00pm and I get in a little relax time (watch a little TV, do some blogging, maybe even a little nap) and then it is on to pick up Ainsley from daycare. The rest of the evening it consumed with keeping track of Ainsley, unless it is Monday(at 8:00pm we play poker with some of my neighbors). By the time 10:00pm rolls around the concentration is on: how do we get Ainsley asleep? The goal is to get her asleep before Leno. Catch the first half of Leno and it's lights out. Get 6-7 hours of sleep to get up and do it again.
2. What’s the most rewarding part of your gig?
For those who don't know I am a retail manager. And most would guess that my most rewarding part of my day would be making the big sale. It is not. Really my job is to develop people. I love to train people and watch them grow. In my 7 years of retail I have developed alot of people. Some of them have gone on to manage their own stores. Most were students and they went on to college or finished college and went on to bigger and better things. I always felt it is bad to lose a good person but it even better to see them go on to bigger and better things.
3. Give me a big prediction – ala Chris Mathew’s “Tell me something I don’t know.”
If I could find a way to help people that struggle in life and still pay my bills, I would leave the retail world. But since Capital One, Direct loan and Suntrust Mortgage don't care about my civil call to duty, Orscheln still pays the bills.
4. What are you listing to right now? What’s in your mp3 or CD player right now?
I am still hung up on Garth. Sarah and I hit one of his KC shows and he really was a forgotten favorite of mine.
5. What’s your favorite hangout (bar, restaurant, etc.)?
Honestly, my Kitchen is pretty good. For those who haven't seen me in a while, let’s put it this way, Sarah is one hell of a cook. She is not afraid to try any type of cooking and usually nails it on the first try. She makes one hell of a Meat loaf. Plus eating with Ainsley and the wife is never dull and always a good time.
6. What’s the last ball game you went to?
Not a ball game but I attended a little kids wrestling meet for one of Sarah's little cousins. I forgot how much I loved Wrestling and just about wanted to get back to the mat.
7. If you were not in this current gig or career, what would you be doing?
Like I said before I do feel a bigger calling. I don't know what that means but someday I will find out. I really like what I do now but it has its days.
7.2 What’s with? (it’s 0.2 of a question)
Dude, the .2 should be the person's 2 cents, Mine is: I was really stressed one day and a older, wiser District Manager told me once: So if you lose your job, you might lose your house you might lose your cars and money, but can they take away your family?