It’s time for my first 7.2 Questions! While I am compiling a bunch mega posts for your reading pleasure, enjoy the insights from today’s 7.2 Guest.
Today’s 7.2 is Chris Faulkner. He is a very accomplished operative and is part owner of Faulkner Strategies. I think we first met back in 2000 during my short stint in Indy. But got to know him real well at a RNC Field School in Omaha in ‘05 of which he runs with his wife Angela. He also has a great blog that I have added to my list on the right called GOP Grunt… worth reading.
So you know, with 7.2, they are the same questions every time. The fun part is to see what they say…
Here we go!
1. Tell us your daily routine… what’s the play by play?
Hit snooze too many times.Check the crackberry. Rush to get kids to the bus stop by 7:15 AM. Figure out a way to work Chick-fil-a into my drive to the office despite it being completely out of the way. Get to work. Sort thru email Return calls. post on my blog. Figure out where everyone in my office is getting for lunch and choose option that involves me not having to leave the office. try to keep up with my RSS feed. Facebook, Twitter, blah, blah. Go home. Beat my kids in most Wii sports games. Put kids to bed. Check the DVR and see what cool shows from History, Military and Sci Fi Channels I have recorded. Crack the laptop open. Make some kettle cornreturn more email. post on my blog.go to bed.
2. What’s the most rewarding part of your gig?
Working with people who actually deserve to be elected.
3. Give a big prediction – ala Chris Matthew’s “Tell me something I don’t know.”
The Giants will upset the Patriots. (Disclaimer: this interview was taken before the Super Bowl)
4. What are you listing to right now? What’s in your mp3 or CD player right now?
POD, System of a down, Dropkick Murphys
5. What’s your favorite hangout (bar, restaurant, etc.)? What do you recommend I get when I’m there?
Yesterdays in Granger. Buffalo chicken lips.
6. What’s the last ball game you went to?
Colts and Bears preseason. We need to either move football season or elections so I can pay attention to both.
7. If you were not in this current gig or career, what would you be doing?
Teaching HS government class.
7.2 What’s with? (it’s 0.2 of a question, kind of dumb, but its easier than asking 72 questions in honor of my football number)
Undecided voters in October of a Presidential year? I mean really are you ignorant on purpose or what? What else could you possibly need to know by October.