Oh… yeah… oh I get it now. Random thought. Is it me or should every one have a blue octopus in their bathroom? No? I think it's kind of epic...
Alright... let's do it.
WHEN THE STARS ARE OUT – So took in the I-Cubs again the other night (don't judge me... dollar dollar hotdogs y'alls)… it was like a Laker Game in the DeMo… for politicos. Good to see everyone out. Thanks for all the shout outs.
FUNDRAISING – Lots and lots of chirping about the Federal Candidates out there on their dineros. QCI called one race earlier… (Bill Northey, with zero precincts reporting will be our Sec of Ag) But, we may be calling a few more soon.
ALL YOUR EVENTS BRING THE CANDIDATES TO THE YARD – Alright… there’s a ton of things to hit in the next few days… Out east… the Iowa Christian Alliance is having David Barton in the state, again… Here's the deets. The big event? Iowans for Tax Relief 's Taxpayers’ Day out on the northwest side of the DeMo. All the Gov peeps and the rest of the LBC will be in the house... And Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty… hmmm, wonder what he’s up to? (raised eyebrow and smirk) This is prolly one of the bigger events of the primary until the RPI Spring Event and/or District Conventions. QCI has scored a ticket and maybe a press pass?!! (another smirk) Looking forward to seeing QCI-ders get their political on. I will tweet some updates from the cheap seats… so if you can’t make it, but believe in the power of the Tweeple… follow me up here… or if you’re too cool for school when it comes to the Twitters… follow the live feed on the right hand side of this site. All the deets on this thinger are here. Another event is Tuesday… on 4/20… (straight face) and look who's back? Former New York Governor George Pataki. He'll will be over at the Embassy Suites over the noon hour to talk about repealing Obamacare... And maybe a Paul Revere ride? See you peeps there? Here's more info from D-Price.
“So and so… i would like to thank Giada and her giant de laurentis head for turning me onto Nutella. I simply cant stop eating it. plus the jars make great drinking glasses. I have a set of eight.”
Well… you got that going for you…
AND FINALLY… How about a little Linkin Park? You know… because of the nice weather lately. This one… just like Louie D’s Philly Steaks… is really effing good. Stay thirsty friends…