We haven't talked about the regular stuff you all like... so lets chirp a but my fine feathered friends.
GOP GUV DEBATE - Caught a little of it... but saw most of the tweets. And here's my quick take. No changes in the game. BVP came out swinging (he had to)... but nothing much else. Other than the ugly podiums from the local station in Sioux City (those were hideous)... it was kind of oh hum. I blame the fact no one will really see this except for peeps in the Northwest... and junkies. A noon hour debate? C'mon son. Also...
DEAR KTIV- Yeah... you screwed up. You should have at least your NBC sisters carry it. You know these guys are running for Governor of Iowa... right? Not the Mayor of Sioux City or State Senator of NW Iowa. "But G$, we live streamed it!" Get bent...
TIGER TIGER WOODS Y'ALL - You all see the Nike commerical with Tiger? I think its a solid ad. At one point last night it was being tweeted 25 + times a minute via Youtube. You can say what you want about the issue... But I think its a good ad. Just how the Swoosh rolls. Also... I can't believe I just blogged about golf... SMH...
"So and so... For some reason i smell like a rest stop. I'm going to the Cheese Cake factory to have a drink."
IOWA CITY IS 21 - So the ordinance has passed in the Peoples Republic of Johnson County. Will be interesting to see the results. Now a whole generation of Hawkeyes will be all like, "Yups I remember when you coul dget in when you were 19."
AND FINALLY... Haven't cranked this song in a while... so how about some Bravery? Stay thirsty friends....