So... let's do a countdown... it'll be short and probably end up as a damn it rant... but what the hell, right? I'm sorry that I'm awesome.
KRUSTY LOVES TO WEAR ROBES BACKWARDS - So yea... the Hulk Hogan of the blogs is handing out shout outs today. Nice... So... yeah... I guess my pic is in the DMR/Metromix thinger from the Snuggie pub crawl... yeah... some how, I ended up in there. So would I have participated if I knew about it? Hell no... it's a friggin' robe put on backwords... but I'll admit, who every came up with it... I'd say its a good bit... you got a whole bunch of people to buy the shit... and making millions...
NOT MUCH OF A SNUGGIE GUY - At the risk of pissing off a lot of readers... who loves themselves a whole lot of snuggie... here we go... so yea... glad you like them... but for real... wouldn't be caught dead in it. Seriously... when all those peeps were snuggyin' it up at Johnny's... my first thought was... "What the... did I mess up with my Lenten fasting things? What's up with all the apostles showing up at Johnny's?" Then I was like... oh... a Snuggie Pub Crawl... nice.
THE WORD SNUGGIE BOTHERS ME - Yea... totally does... because where I come from... snuggies are what many of you refer to as wedgies... so yeah... I see that ad on TV and I'm thinking some freshman at South High is gonna get his skibbys up is crack... and there will probably be some pain involved. KRUSTY SAYS DON'T SING IT... BRING IT... So yea... Hershel, you know I bring the costumes... I don't bring that weak ass stuff up in this humpy bumpy for nothin'... believe me... when I bust out the outfits... its on like Donkey Kong... where's yours? Oh yea... you have that incognito thing going for you... :) yea... see also Chris Farley outsfits... yeah... won $500 at the U Bar once... I'm damn good... its somewhere on the Facebook.
LACK OF POSTING - Yup... I'll own up to that... you see... and I have gone through this before... but... I try to keep original stuff going on here... you know? Kind of the state of the rightosphere... yourpolitical stuff is basically on the Bean Walker and the Yankees of the Rightosphere... the Iowa Republican... by the time I'm ready to post something on politics... there's like 6 different posts out there... and I'm like... yeah... dead horse has been beaten... and I get bored with it... so yeah... all I gots left is Mullets, Chiefs, Metallica, fart jokes and other junior high humor... which is what you all want anyway.... right? Are you not entertained?
So yea... there you go... plus... I'll be doing a ton more quick hits... because I have A.D.D. that way... let's get the party started... a quick clip from one of the best movies ever... crank it... Ok... maybe not at work...
Alright... now I really didn't want to get into this... because... I'm no economy guy. Stocks? Whah? Bonds? What the hell are those... Mullets? Now your talkin'.... Cold Beer? Hell yes... Who's the Chiefs getting in the first round... I have my theories... But economic stuff? Insert my inner Jim Mora here... Playoffs!?!? Playoffs? Playoffs!?!?!
So yea, I hope proved my case that... I'm simply minded... and not so much a daily reader of the WSJ... But, I do have some small town common sense once in a while... keywords "once in a while."
So OK, as a proud owner of a Buick.... GM and POTUS... let's talk about it.
Now... remember that bit where people say from time to time... "You know, the economy isn't the President's job description." "Presidents aren't the end all be all of the economy." Blah Blah... Blah... Zzzzzz... Blah... So yeah... Always agreed with that statement... from Bush to Clinton to Bush... or when I started to pay attention to this stuff, always subscribed to that school of thought... you know, until now.
When the President of the United States can fire the President of General Motors... Mr. President... this economy, officially became yours... Yessir, this thing is all you now. That's direct... straight up. No fakin' the funk on the nasty dunk... yup, this ones yours. Great job out of you. (sigh)
Alright, more randomness and regularly scheduled crap coming your way... but, the QCI Tunes Department stumbled upon this group called Los Colorados... from the Ukraine. So yea.... they did this Katy Perry, Hot & Cold cover.... of which I think they made it ten times more bad ass... check it...
Then there some other good stuff... not exactly sure what they are saying... but my guess is... you get a garage or machine shed full of cool and fun loving peeps... a few kegs... and this band... it's gonna rule...
Told you dudes.... don't know why... it's just good stuff...
On top of all of that... check out those freaking mullets!!!!! They are getting like 200 more bad ass points.... all they need is the Jared Allen mean ass fascial hair... and they are golden. Methinks I found a new favorite...
Alright... we know there are some peeps down and out... but a friggin' ranking labor guy? That chilled with Biden in Denver?!?!?!
What's this guy thinking? "Yea... gonna go own to the Capitol and lobby on Thursday... but, you know... if I could snag a purse or 2... I'm golden." HUH!?!?!?!
Wow... are you kidding me?!?!?!?!
I think you're gonna find some peeps drinking tonight... very heavily.
Alright, here's something fast this morning... while you know... there's a whole lot of people not showing up to work today... I went... well, where I always go yesterday to take in the festivities... Tweeted a bit about it... and here's a couple thoughts/questions...
1. What's with coloring your hair green? Yeah, yeah yeah.... I get the wearing green crap, alright... but... your hair? Shouldn't it be red or orange? Oh... and I don't think St. Patrick had a green beard either... you're doing it wrong.
2. When did beeds become a part of the holiday? Then again... when did beeds become a part of every holiday... other than Mardi Gras? Betcha I can come up with 2 reasons why... hmmm...
Here's yet again another feature that will get your QCI Fix... back into fighting form.... QUICK HITS! ....BAM! These are fast little drive vy never seem coming thoughts from the World's Crappuest Blog... Not long ones... those just turn into Damn It Rants...
Damn... this really sucks. Per the Waterloo Courier and this press release... NIACC Trojan Football is no longer. While I'm a proud NIC NAC grad.... (for real... there would be no G$ as we know him if it wasn't for that place...) Anyhoop. So, yeah... never played... but all my buddies did. It just sucks...
Been connecting with some old NIACC buddies about getting together for a reunion.... now it's gonna be more like a wake... you know until after the 3rd beer.
Alirght… how you doin’? “G$, what was with the stupid State Fair review?” What? “Yea man… what up?” What, you got a problem with Journey? Eat it.
So, the Countdown and QCI is disappointing you lately? Yea… we slacked off, big time. Dudes, there are a whole bunch of great sites now covering all things politics… I know, that doesn’t mean we couldn’t post some kick ass Metallica videos… we know… but, hey… they don’t call this World’s Crappiest Blog for nothing, right? He’s some random stuff that… probably could earn itself a Damn It Rant… but, not in that type of a mood… oh… we’re in a mood… but, for now at least… you never know… It could… here we go… few random thoughts that are slopping on the walls at QCI HQ… kinda like when we forget to leave the stove going when we make our famous chili… yikes, another good use for an ice scrapper…
NOT GETTING WHAT YOU PAID FOR? Then go ahead and threaten the bastards… seems like a simple strategy right now. Yikes… have you been reading and seeing this shit? Someone call National Geographic…because you’re gonna need to start a show called, “When Lefties Attack… and Eat Their Own.” Damn… Come on now… don’t threaten these guys, unless you mean it. Please. We know you’ll be back with them… you need them… it’s much different on our side… if you're gonna primary these guys... just do it. I double dogg dare you. SHOE GUY GETS JAILTIME – So yea… the Iraqi guy who tried to do his best Bret Saberhagen impression and got jail time for chucking a shoe at President Bush… Zzzzzz… who cares… I’m just glad TVs can’t take you to court… I’d be in the pokey for a while… ever since the Chiefs hired Herm Edwards… I’ve been throwing more than just shoes at it on any given Sunday in the fall… this will change. SOCIAL MEDIA – Alright let’s talk… So yea… Facebook…. these picture tagging things are way f’ing annoying… yea… don’t give a shit what Superhero you are, we are or what your friends are. Stop. Please. Now. Oh… another thing… learn the damn privacy settings… know this article… seriously, you’ll thank us later. Oh… and no disrespect to the peeps adding me and sending me these applications for causes… we care about them… nah, we really do… we just aren’t gonna add them. Alright? You know… unless its stuff about the Chiefs, Mullets, Metallica… and… how cool Scott Pioli is… or free beer (actual beers, not this virtual beer shit)… and junior high humor… oh, and if you find free Marlboro lights… Chiefs, Smokes, Beer, Mullets, Metallica and Fart Jokes… and we’ll be your huckleberry… got it? Good, glad we could have this talk. Oh and I’m not done on this subject… stay tuned…
QCI FACEBOOK STATUS OF THE DAY You know what… you guys have been sucking at this… so none… I’m kidding! Here you go...
“So and so… cant wait to fall forward. i love savin' me some daylight. ya feel me facebookers? i'm going to get my face booked all night long! know what i'm sayin' bitches.”
SO… 9 months later and Eastern Iowa gets a flood package. Awesome. Great to know our state government really sucks at being a state government… COLDPLAY IS COMING – Wow… yup… Everyone will say they want to go… kind of like how people say they love Radiohead… but the only song they know is “Creep.” Look for all the new DSM Hipsters… BTW… I like creep… and don’t claim to know any of the other Radiohead shit… so there you go. TEA PARTIES – Yea… they’re everywhere… what’s your thoughts on those? Is it me or is every Tom, Dick & Harry conservative organization over doing this… I mean, great idea, great cause, yea yeah yeah yeah… I’m with ya… no, really am… just thinking we could do something with a more bad ass drink… tea? Come on… What’s next? A Sally the Salad eater party? wait… scratch that… you know what I mean! I’d say a kegger… but, do you want to waste beer? Is this overdone? Isn’t that why we have CPAC? Or a national party?… oh… yea… MAN OF STEELE? Yea… didn’t really want to go there on this… but, feeling it today… WTF? Seriously. Not that we care what’s going on out there (other than Caucuses)… because here’s what we have proven here in Iowa… we can do our own stuff…
AND FINALLY… A little comic book geek/political humor for you… Lex Luthor asks for a bailout...
Yea... I said it... the State Fair will break attendance records, just on their concert line up alone.
"G$, are you believing the hype?" I know what Public Enemy always said, "Don't believe the hype..." But for real... it's a decent set. Now, in Iowa... (because, we still haven't learned to act like we've been here before...) one of the big local media announcements is the concert line up for the Iowa State Fair.... it was released this morning... let's do a quick run down of the line up for the Grandstand this year:
Thursday, Aug. 13: Steven Curtis Chapman… Opening act: Jeremy Camp Other than this is a Christian group… I have no idea… but word is those in the know… well, know who he is… so… expect good turn out. Because... isn't Jesus everyone's homeboy? Just kidding... Christian concerts do very well here. Friday, Aug. 14: Gary Allan… Opening act: Chuck Wicks So, it’s a country thinger… easy sell… plus the guy opening is competing against Shawn Johnson in Dancing like an idiot or whatever the hell it is… GASP! I bet they cancel this one… who dare he challenge Shawn!?!?!?! Crucify him!!! $20 bucks sez, they cancel this… put up a cardboard Shawn Johnson up on stage then BAM... the shit sells out… largest event in State Fair History. Plus, it’s Eastside Night… Saturday, Aug. 15: Peter Frampton - Opening act: Gin Blossoms Now… now we’re getting to the meat of the order. FRAMPTON! Yea man… If I have to explain this to you… you can leave now. No shit, get off my blog. Leave. Move it. Get the hell out of here. Plus… not bad with Gin Blossoms… you know all their songs… because it was on the radio… every other song… awe the ‘90s (hearts). Sunday, Aug. 16: Big and Rich with Cowboy Troy - Opening act: Candy Coburn again… another Country thinger… fun group… plus… a Country Rapper… which at first you may think its some fried food at the fair… but its not. No, it's not on the Dollar Menu either... not kidding... think of it as 2Pac with a drawl... ok, maybe not that hardcore... and probably less cussing... Monday, Aug. 17: Bret Michaels - Opening act to be announced. Yup… also known as Cougar Fest 2… you know… after NKOTB rolls through here next month. What’s the over/under on fishnets and tattoos? Purrrrrrrrrrr..... For one day, the Fairgrounds becomes one ginormous Cougar Wildlife Refuge. Tuesday, Aug. 18: Deery Brothers Summer Series for Late Models Racing… always does well… if not... well... maybe they let the guy who's competing against Shawn Johnson back... and then he'll get ran over or something. You cannot mess with Shawn!!!! Wednesday, Aug. 19: Grand Outlaw National Tractor and Truck Pull Massive tractors… yea man… locals and tourists can’t resist to see these ginormous things… plus nothing says Iowa and State Fair like tricked out huge tractors… Think of it as Drag Racing meets Strong Man Contest meets Pimp My Ride meets The Big Show on WHO Radio... got all that? Good... now you know where I'm coming from... Thursday, Aug. 20: Shinedown - Opening act to be announced. This one may surprise you… these guys are up and coming… Sound of Madness is a great tune. Look for these guys to become a staple of rock radio. Sound of the Madness... yup, gonna have that in my head now... but its a good thing...
Friday, Aug. 21: Brooks & Dunn - Opening act: Jamey Johnson Yea… sell out. No question. Plus, even if you aren’t a country type, they put on a great show… Yea... you're gonna have to park in Mitchellville to get in that night... good luck. Saturday, Aug. 22: Demolition Derby Is 10am too early for beer? Never… especially when you are gonna smash cars. I don’t know why… but when I hear about a Demo Derby, I think… HULK SMASH… cars hitting other cars… its why 50% of the crowds show up to NASCAR events… the crashes. Saturday, Aug. 22: Kelly Clarkson - Opening act to be announced. Yup… American Idol… for real... Iowans can’t help themselves. Sigh... Oh well... Sunday, Aug. 23: JOURNEY - Opening act: Heart YES!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome… WOOT!!! DOUBLE WOOT!!! TRIPLE LINDY WOOT!!!! Try to stop me from being there. Saw them there last time at the Fair... for real, this is $45 worth it... even if this is the 3rd or 4th lead singer... I'm telling you, do not miss this one.
So yea... there you go... I got sucked into the hype... but... come on dudes!!! JOURNEY! Hope my mullet is in full swing by then... Man... how do I always forget how sweet Steve Perry's mullet was...
So QCI-ders... welcome to the next heavyweight... knock out... drag out fight... Yea... big labor is a little pissed, to put it lightly... now... I could chrip here all day about it... but for now... I'm going to use a couple of my favorite pep talks for the good guys (and gals) up at the Capitol...
The other side is gonna come swinging... they already are... here's a couple of pep talks to get you all jacked up for the fight.
Pep Talk #1: Just a quick reminder why you are doing what you do....
Pep Talk #2: While you are in the minority (for now)... remember, this is a game of inches.
You heard the man... now... what are you gonna do? God speed...
Alright QCI-ders… a quick weekend update. Subject you ask? Message… and why we’re winning the battle currently. We started the week with the launch of 2 great new resources for politics. First, we covered the Bean Walker Launch Monday. What a great crowd…. but it gets better, the B-Dub (our new nickname for the site) already made news with a siren on the first day. Their getting tons of hits… how do we know? Because you all are coming here from the site… This is thing is an instant game changer. Great work out of you B-Dub.
Next, you get the New York Yankees of the rightosphere… the Iowa Republican. C-Raig has managed to get the key players in the LBC to his line up… he’s like the Jerry Jones now with Krusty, Battleground (and our favorite QCI Smoker Hating Emily) and Constitutional Daily. And like the B-Dub, is making an instant impact on the echo chamber in Iowa.
But in a way not to sound like a homer… the REAL story is the Republicans in Iowa. Namely, the new leadership at RPI and the Good Guys up at the Capitol… I’ve only been in this stuff for… like 10 years and I have never, never seen a well oiled machine when it comes to message. Am I still sounding like a homer? You need some proof… look at the last couple of weeks… prevailing wage? How’d that go… Phones were lighting up… Twitter was exploding… emails getting pushed out… this is how you do it QCI-ders… throw in the rightosphere… activist involvement… and BA-DOW!!!!!!!
Oh and that stupid ass Electoral College bill? Dead. Buzz killed. Even Big Lug and Sec. Mauro said, um… you guys aren’t thinking this through.
QCI Correspondents are emailing me with reports of meetings across the state… Republicans are getting a little pumped up. Their feeling it… and THEY ARE HUNGRY. We have tons to be excited about…
So yea… as a party in the state… you have to be feeling good…. damn good. But there’s no time to be perfecting you endzone dances yet… there’s a lot to do… tons of work… and bigger battles to come… so you gotta focused, keep participating… we’re not going to win every battle… but we are starting a base and a platform to launch a great comeback… a comeback that the pundits STILL don’t believe we are capable of.
I know it’s easy to get caught up in the national stuff… all important too. But I think if we’re keeping our nose to the grind here… and keep at it… look out.
Now… if we could get consensus on a Governor candidate… awesome… but, alas… nothings perfect.
WOW… freaking wow QCI-ders. Holy crap! Man, is a smash hit! Man that was great to see so many peeps in one joint. Awesome. Ginormous props and respect to our main man Timmy Albrecht. Hell yes my friend. Great site. Great party. Great everything. (insert Sean Connery voice) You the man now, dogg. Wow… I just can’t stop wowing… How freaking great is it that he did this site. I mean… I don’t have to do to a bunch of sites… I just hit that one… if its on there… it’s a story. This will make our blogging community better… better quality stories… better scoop… better everything.
Also… you QCI-ders out there. Thanks for following the updates via QCI, Twitter and Facebook. We’ll live tweet more events… possibly later this afternoon… stay tuned… more on this in a bit. So… yea….Well… we’s be bustin out more randomnous fo sho. That’s what we call the Caucus Countdown. (sorry… we’ve been following Shaq on twitter and his updates are funny)… here we go…
QCI CHANGES WITH THE TIMES – Don’t worry… your favorite El Camino Republican ain't going no where. But this week is a new era in the Rightosphere… so… we’re adjusting… you gotta catch up. Speed kills… What are the changes? Let’s get you updated… LIVE CRAPPY UPDATES – Yea… you heard it. Our live tweets inspired us to have live crappy updates… all the friggin time. We’ll let you know when we start hitting an event live… THE LBC IS A CHANGIN’ – So yea… you don’t need the LBC for political stuff… you got the Bean Walker dude. So, you’ll find from time to time… cool site I check… mostly all G$ related. You know… because I’m cultured… yea… “G$ just because you can draw, doesn’t mean your cultured.” Hell yes it does… CHIEFS!!!!!!! Holy crap how good are the Chiefs looking! Dude, even at the party last night… peeps be coming up to me with, “Dude, Chiefs…” And I’m like, “DUDE, I know!” Then they’re all like, “Yea man, the Chiefs, man.” And I’m like, “I know dude! CHIEFS! I TOLD YOU!” Awesome. OTHER THAN THAT – Everything stays pretty much the same over here at the World’s Crappiest Blog… but… after watching the news this morning… I feel a Damn It Rant coming on… but... now... the state of the blogs makes me feel like rockin out... I mean for real the vibe last night was awesome... like all the peeps in the LBC... now play in some kick ass rock band... kind of like this... love this version... awe... the '90s....
THE BEAN WALKER LIVE TWEETS! --------------------->>>>>>>>
Hey QCI-ders... were coming live from Dos Rios in downtown Des Moines tonight! If you aren't going to the launch of tonight from 6-8pm at Dos Rios... stay tuned here as we are "Live Tweeting the Event"!
Check the feed on the right side of the blog --->>>
If you are on Twitter... you can follow easier by following me @grantyoung72But if you aren't on Twitter, simply hit the refresh button on your internets... and you'll see the live updates.
We'll keep the feed up for the evening... then post a recap tomorrow.
Alright QCI-ders… longtime no talk. But there’s only one thing to talk about today. None of that policy stuff, rumors, Damn It Rants… all that crap can wait. Tonight, the Bean Walker launches. WOOT! Double WOOT! Triple Lindy WOOT! Here’s the address: For real… bookmark it… live it… breath it… love it…
BE THERE TONIGHT! Yea man… tonight will start a new are in Iowa blogs. Remember when Krusty had his first post with over 100 comments? Remember when all the cool stories have broke in the past? Yea… all were important landmarks in Iowa New Media… tonight will be no different… that’s why if you are a loyal reader of the Iowa blogs… YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS.
Be there when it happens… and, you can buy me a beer there too! Isn’t this the coolest? Anyhoop. Tonight… 6-8pm… Dos Rios… downtown… be there. Plus… get a chance win a cool prize courtesy of the World’s Crappiest Blog… oh yea… QCI brings you the goods….
You think I’m crazy for saying tonight’s an important night? Check out the news coverage:
WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? So yea… as I said, tonight starts a new era in the Iowa Blogosphere… Have you read Krusty? Have you read the FlyBoys? Yea… something is going on… QCI has brought in four key experts that can explain what’s going on.
Here’s the video:
Awesome... this is going to kick ass... see you there tonight!