
Tea Parties, Stuff and Flava Flav

QCI-ders... long time... way long ass time, no talk. That's why I have my Twitter feed on the side... y'all always know what I'm up to... anyhoop... how about some randomness? Let's do it.

TEA PARTIES - Yea... holy crap... that's a lot of people. Good job out of you kids out there... getting your right winger on. Although... I must admit... the QCI/junior high humor in me... was fighting against my better judgement.... you know.... tea bag jokes.... good thing is... (until now)... not so immature about it... haha... tea bags...

DUDE!!!! Cool show alert... dudes... Flava Flav and Public Enemy are coming to Des Moines... hell yes! "It's the Flava!!! It's the Flava!!! It's the Flava!!! It's the Flava!!! Life Sava!! Boyee!" HELL. FREAKING. YES.

LEGISLATURE - Can someone tell these guys (and gals) to just leave? For real doggs... the longer they are hear... the more damage they are doing. Do go... get! Move along! Move it!

TWEETDECK - It friggin rules... You all know, I'm all a twitter... its just good, ya know? Anyhow... tried Tweetdeck... and it is off the hizzy fo shizzy...

LENT - Holy crap! wait... can I even say that in the same sentence? Anyways.... man... I'm not gonna give up so much stuff... I can eat abnormal again.

AND FINALLY... In honor of PE comin' to town... how about some Flava...